Pu’erh Regions: Pu’er Prefecture

Ripe Pu'erh

This article frequently references and links to babelcarp. Babelcarp is a Chinese Tea Lexicon that is an essential resource for tea nerds that want to dive in further and don’t understand Chinese! This article also sources many maps from a TeaChat thread, original sources vary.

Previously named Simao, Pu’er Prefecture shares pu’erh’s name and is one of the three principle growing prefectures for pu’erh tea. Located in Yunnan, Pu’er is sandwiched in between Xishuangbanna and Lincang and despite not being a particularly important historical growing region it is a historical hub for the tea horse road. Pu’er prefecture also borders Laos, Burma and Vietnam. Within Pu’er Prefecture, there are a few high-profile regions although the majority of the prefecture lacks the hype of the most hyped regions, especially Xishuangbanna.

Pu'er/Simao Prefecture Map
Pu’er/Simao Prefecture Map.

A Brief History

The prefecture was named Pu’er from 1729 until 1950 when it was renamed to Simao after the communist revolution. In 2007 during the hype of pu’erh tea, the prefecture’s name was reverted back to Pu’er. Adding to the confusion, Pu’er is also the name of a city within the prefecture. Historically, this city was used as the starting point of tea transported via mule from the greater Yiwu region (principally the six famous tea mountains) to Beijing. After the 1950s, some of the materials from Pu’er can likely be found in Xiaguan or Nanjian productions.

Ancient Tea Horse Road
Ancient Tea Horse Road. Source: Arts, Cultural China.

Characteristic Taste [Raw Pu’erh]

There’s not really a characteristic taste for Pu’er prefecture. The region is large and is split up unevenly compared with Xishuangbanna, making it often looked at more by its subregions. Contributing to this, many of the subregions bleed into one another, making it confusing to differentiate. For instance, many Jinggu County teas are grown very close/on Wuliang Mountain.

Note #1: Alot of Pu’er/Simao tea doesn’t have as much hype as Xishuangbanna and can be purchased for lower prices.
Note #2: Similar to Lincang, there are large amounts of wild trees and purple varietal around Pu’er Prefecture, especially towards the east (Wuliang/Ailao).

Jingmai (babelcarp)

Jingmai is a mountain located in Lancang County in the southwest corner of Pu’er Prefecture. This area is one of the subregions that fetches higher prices on par with Xishuangbanna. Similar to Yibang and Xikong, the small leaf varietal is common here. Jingmai also refers to a general growing area that is west of the Lancang river.

Also: Jingmai,
Corrected: Shah8 has corrected this section in the comments below.

Bangwei (babelcarp)

Another fairly hot region. Also located in Lancang County (just east of the Lancang river), Bangwei is in the Northeast corner of the county bordering the Mengku region. Due to its size it shares characteristics with many of the surrounding areas (including Mengku/Lincang). It also has some supposedly ancient groves which fetch extremely high prices on par with pu’erh hotspots in Xishuangbanna/Lincang.

Also: Bangwei.


An area west of Jingmai and Bangwei. It’s rarer to find tea marketed as being from here.

Jiangcheng (babelcarp)

Jiangcheng county is an area in southeast Pu’er. This area is located just north of the greater Yiwu region (Mengla County, Xishuangbanna) and is similar enough to Mengla County tea to be masqueraded and sold as its pricier cousin. Jiangcheng tends to age into sweet, fruity tea. Jiangcheng county blends heavily into both Wu Liang and Ai Lao mountains.

Also: Jiangcheng.

Jinggu (babelcarp)

Jinggu is a county, village and area in central Pu’er Prefecture that neighbors Lincang and the Shuangjiang Mengku areas. It also bleeds heavily into the Wuliang mountains. Jinggu is one of the larger growing regions in Pu’er Prefecture and includes a few famous growing areas in Jinggu including Kuzhu, Puzhen, Lao Wushan, Yangta. Xiao Jinggu is also a village within Jinggu prefecture. This area overlaps with Wuliang which bleeds into the eastern part of Jinggu.

Also: Jinggu, Xiao Jinggu, Yangta, Kuzhu, Puzhen, Wenshan, Lao Wushan, Fengshan, Malongshan.

Wuliang/Ailao (babelcarp, 2)

Wuliang and Ailao are mountain ranges which run approximately north/south, parallel with one another. There are several notable areas nearby that overlap with these mountains include Jinggu, Kuzhu, Lao Wushan, or Qianjiazhai (Ailao) teas. Because these more specific names usually carry a significantly higher pricetag, it’s unlikely for the teas produced in the higher-profile subregions to be sold as Wuliang/Ailao.

Historically, the majority of Wuliang tea has been processed as green tea, although that has slowly shifted in recent years. Wuliang is the home of many of the wild and purple varietals. Wuliang also extends into Nanjian county and is commonly found in many of the Nanjian Factory’s productions (might be an example of aged Wuliang).

Also: Wuliang, Ailao, Qianjiazhai, Kuzhu, Lao Wushan.

Kunlu (babelcarp)

Kunlu is a mountain located west of Jiangcheng and east of the Lancang River and Jingmai. Located along the ancient tea horse road, there is an ancient tea grove that can be traced back to tribute tea. Outside of this grove, the rest of the area is principally plantation tea. The gushu found here is extremely expensive.

Also: Kunlu.



5 responses to “Pu’erh Regions: Pu’er Prefecture”

  1. tea Avatar

    A nice write up as always, quick question how prevalent is the Camellia Taliensis species in jinggu? Have you tasted puer from it, if so is there a noticeable difference (like say the slight taste difference between wuyi cultivars in their final steeps)?

    I have a sample of a jinggu from tea urchin that performs fairly strangely and tastes unique but I can’t tell if I like it or not as it tends to taste soapy texturally if over steeped. It as bubbles on every steep not sure if there is a parallel there maybe indicative of the different species?. Wish I had more to play around with as every session with the sample was completely different. The best performance it was on the thicker side and slightly fruity but also super minerally and a bunch of other flavors muddled in that I couldn’t quite place.

    1. shah8 Avatar

      It’s not particularly prevalent. Taliensis is noted because of large white buds. However, most cheap JingGu Daibaicha uses a modern varietal, Yongkang n.10 or somethign like that to make buddy puerh.

    2. James Avatar

      Hi tea,

      Thanks for the comment. Sounds like an interesting tea. I haven’t had that one.

      I’ve enjoyed the few Jinggu teas I’ve had. Very approachable teas with dark/stone fruits and huigan. Haven’t really had any cheap ones though. Will keep your notes in mind next time I session one.


  2. shah8 Avatar

    Some corrections:

    First, bookmark this particular thread. Extremely useful reference! http://www.teachat.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=17948

    There are a couple of other areas that should be mentioned in their own header:
    Fodianshan in the far west Lancang
    Qianjiazhai, which is more prominent than Fodianshan, and of course, one of the ultra-expensive places to get tea from.

    Bangwei is not a Jingmai area mountain. The flavor profile is actually close to a more nutty Mengku. However, Bangwei is a large and diverse area, so there are other profiles that differs to some degree.

    All of the places mentioned in the JingGu part is XiaoJingGu, which is composed of, speaking very broadly, Yunwushan (where Yangta group is, I believe), Wenshan, and Lao Wushan. This is the good stuff. Then there are the other places like Fengshan (confusing because Fengqing teas are also referred to as Fengshan), Malongshan, and other less famous and premium areas.

    Kunlushan is famous because it was an imperial tribute tea, and there is one extant grove there that people can definitely say went to the Emperor’s court. There seems to be only that one grove, while the rest is plantation. As you can guess, Kunlushan is also absurdly expensive and exclusive.

    1. James Avatar

      Thanks shah8. Much appreciated. I just updated the post to reflect most of this.

      That thread is really a great reference.


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