1990s HK Style Raw Pu’erh — White2Tea — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #5

Inbetweenisode Episode #5 from James. The tea is mid 1990s HK Style Raw Pu’erh acquired from White2Tea. Topics include white-label tea and more mature + traditionally stored pu’erh.


13 responses to “1990s HK Style Raw Pu’erh — White2Tea — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #5”

  1. Peter Avatar

    Well, the suave & dapper James is nice, but I look for the teaching James most of all. In other words, I very much appreciate the background info that you give, and the way in which you teach about the various aspects of puer.


    1. James Avatar

      Hi Peter,

      As always, thanks very much for the kind words :).


  2. Xavier LaRue Avatar

    Really nice Ep.

    Looking forward to try that cake at some point but I do not have the budget now to buy that kind of price range. Not to say the price range isn’t okay tho. It’s a great deal 😀


    1. James Avatar

      Hi Xavier,

      Thanks for the comment! I know what you mean. Hope you get to try this tea some point.


  3. shah8 Avatar

    Using an LED booklight as a spotlight to make things like maocha/finished leaves or soups easier to see on camera might be a good idea.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi shah8,

      Good suggestion. This has been my major complaint about this format too. We will investigate.


  4. Carolyn Avatar

    Great episode!! I have a sample of that tea to try tonight. I really appreciate all of the info and showing the before/after leaves. Good camera work. I would love if you could write out the adjective that this tea has. I could not really understand what that is, and there is not way I could pronounce it.

    1. Hster Avatar


      James is talking about camphor. Some forest tea reputedly have this flavor absorbed from camphor trees growing along side the tea trees. It’s a cooling wintergreen mint taste and if you’ve ever had tiger balm rubbed on you, you can’t mistake it.

      I’ve had camphor taste in plantation XG so it’s not entirely a sign of wild tree. Although camphor taste is considered a desirable flavor profile of sheng, You may or may not like it.


    2. James Avatar

      Hi Carolyn & Hster,

      Thanks for the comments.

      Hster is correct. My pronunciation is likely not! Camphor is one of those aromas I’ve learned more through tea than actual life.


  5. Richard F Avatar
    Richard F

    Spot on analysis as per normal, James. I too am tempted by the 7582 with the sale going on and all. I think it’s the better tea but it’s tough to stock up on everything.

    Along the same lines, if you are looking for more camphor I’d humbly suggest EoT’s green stamp. Spendy but I’ve been really digging it and may have corrupted a coworker into puer tea with this one. There’s smoke too but it plays well with everything else that’s going on (which is a lot).

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Richard,

      Thanks for the comment! Yes, I agree. The 7582 is a bit better than this, but I think this is probably the better bang for your buck in my opinion.

      After EoT’s latest review and your comment, I must say that the green stamp certainly sounds appetizing :).


      1. Richard F Avatar
        Richard F

        Wasn’t sure what review to which you were referring but I just read Hobbes’ blog. I wasn’t going to use the descriptor “tea cocaine” but at least I find myself in good company!

        1. James Avatar

          Aha. Yes I mistyped in my comment above. But yes, you aren’t the only one.


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