Red Box Sea Dyke Dahongpao — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #22

In inbetweenisode #22, James begins a series on Wuyi Oolongs (Yancha). Sea Dyke is an old-school brand of Wuyi Oolongs that mainly exports out of China to southeast Asia. This episode also coincides with the March tea of the month.


8 responses to “Red Box Sea Dyke Dahongpao — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #22”

  1. brian Avatar

    Just as I coincidentally happened to already drinking EoT’s mengsong red when I checked TeaDB yesterday, I just happened to be sipping some yancha when I opened the site up to see this inbetweenesode. Go figure!

    I feel it’s common, from my experience, that puerh-heads will also like some yancha on the side.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Brian,

      Aha. We’re all synced up!

      Yes, I agree. Not sure what it is, but Wuyis are easily the most appealing tea genre (beyond pu of course) to me at this point.


  2. Peter Avatar

    Thanks for the review, James. I was looking at some Sea Dyke (boxed & tinned) several days ago in one of our local Chinatowns.

    Hope you shed the cold asap!

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Peter,

      Thanks for the comment and well wishes! Hope you were able to pickup something tasty for a cheap price. Sea Dyke hits the cheap pizza and beer spot for me.


  3. brian Avatar

    Sea dyke is also a good, cheap option for anyone interested in aging yancha. It obviously won’t turn into something magical, but it does get very smooth and tastey after 20 years. Plenty of dark fruit notes. has some 90’s sea dyke that’s worth checking out

    1. James Avatar

      Hi brian,

      That’s a good point. It’s also easy to age, because you don’t have to figure out a container.


  4. zach Avatar

    where’d you find that awesome cup?

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Zach,

      It was a very kind gift from Tea Urchin. I use it despite my admitted dislike for drinking beverages super hot.


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