Battle of the fang. A comparison between White2Tea’s Old Bear and a Guangdong-stored 2006 Xiaguan Feitai production (picked up via Taobao).
Tag: White2Tea
2005 Naka via White2Tea [Episode 118]
A kinda calming tea. The 2005 Naka.
5+ Year Old “Menghai County” Raw Pu’erh [July 2015 Tea Drinking Report]
Shoutouts to Dignitea, Brian (double B), and Hster for providing teas for this month and allowing the content to be what it is!
By now you know the drill. I drink a bunch of teas following a certain theme. Blah, blah, blah. This month is Menghai County. One problem.. Menghai County is big and I have a ton of teas that qualify. So, like the Yiwu reports (1, 2) I’ve split this in two. So why am I doing 5+ year old Menghai County tea first? Simply, I’m more calibrated for these semi-aged teas because I more recently have been tasting through similarly aged “Yiwu” teas. (more…)
2015 White2Tea Little Walk — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #40
A nice little daily drinker from White2Tea’s 2015 line.
2015 Colbert vs. 2015 Tuhao — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #39
Two teas from Menghai County from the White2Tea 2015 line. -
2015 White2Tea Poundcake — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #38
2015 raw pu’erh! This one is my favorite at the $50 and under price range from White2Tea’s 2015 harvest.
2014 White2Tea’s Last Thoughts — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #36
Again. Don’t blink or look at the price. This is the second part of a two episode series of extended sessions with a pair of very premium (and also very nice) young raw pu’erhs. This one is the excellent Last Thoughts from White2Tea.
“Yiwu” Raw Pu’erh [May 2015 Tea Drinking Report]
Big shoutouts to Carolyn, Richard, Dignitea and several vendors for providing teas and others like Shah8 for their recommendations! A brief disclaimer: This report should be taken as my own personal journey into tea and not as the ultimate, definitive anything.
WTF Part 1!? These reports have been getting progressively longer. Rather than do something sensible, (a) get an editor to reduce flab and misspellings or (b) allow my mom or girlfriend to chuck out samples/stage an intervention… I stuck my middle finger out and indulged.. That’s right! This report is even longer than the previous one and will be released in two installments. The first will cover the young tea and the second will consume the Yiwu with some age (somewhat arbitrary set as 8 years). (more…)
1990s HK Style from White2Tea [Episode 108]
For the third time. It’s White2Tea’s 1990s HK Style!
2012 Yiwu Purple (YS) & 2012 Cangyan Gufeng (W2T) — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #31
Comparison of two cheaper teas supposedly from Yiwu. The Cangyan Gufeng is mistakenly referred to as being from 2013.