Peripheral Teaware — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #21

Musings on some teaware that James uses that you may or may not find useful!


10 responses to “Peripheral Teaware — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #21”

  1. Peter Avatar

    Nice video, James! Interesting to hear you tell of the usefulness of that puer tea cake holder

    1. James Avatar

      Thanks for the comment and stopping in Peter!


  2. Kathryn Avatar

    Nice to know info. I go pretty simple with my teaware, but I do have a small, about 1/3 size tea table that I use ever day. It really helps keep my counters, table, whatever, from getting tea spills. I really wanted a bigger tea table but I find my small table is really handy most of the time. I’d like to hear more about the advantages of you heating plate that you have on your table. How handy is that?
    Thanks, keep the tea flowing and the podcast rolling! You both are very helpful and enjoyable.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Kathryn,

      Thanks for the comment and kind words.

      You’re right! I didn’t cover that at all in the video. I think the hot plate and kettle setup I have is more a question of personal preference than anything. I like to use a tetsubin and occasionally a ceramic kettle (mainly for their stylistic/aesthetic appeal), but they’re still definitely slower than just having an electric kettle parked at my table.


      1. Kathryn Avatar

        Thanks James, for that reply and the info. I also use an electric kettle, but, but I would love to hear a bit about the tetsubin and hot plate such as….. how long does the tetsubin keep the water at the temp that you need for what ever you are brewing? Do you keep it on a hot plate to keep it warm? I have a tetsubin, but have only used it during power outages, which can last for days where I live. I’d like to make more use of it, but I’m really tetsubin-novice.
        Thanks for the podcast!

        1. James Avatar

          Hi Kathryn,

          Thanks for the comment. Some good questions. I mainly brew intuitively. The tetsubin is removed from the hotplate, placed onto a trivet, and I’ll do a few infusions. Then I’ll add a bit more water to my tetsubin and put it back on the hotplate.

          Unless you are willing to drop a few hundred dollars on am unlined tetsubin + hot plate setup I’d probably skip it. It’s far from the most economical way to improve your tea.

          Hope this helps!

  3. Carolyn Avatar

    I just wanted to say that I drink a lot of ripe pu-erh and I use a strainer to catch all of the pieces that escape my little jian shui teapot. Do you ever use a strainer?? My husband does not like using it with raw pu-erh because he feels it changes the texture of the tea.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Carolyn,

      Good question. Both Denny and I used to use a strainer but have since phased it out. For me, it boils down to a personal preference more than anything. I’m not necessarily it convinced it changes the flavor of the tea (although I’ve heard similar things from a reliable source), but the grit also doesn’t really bother me at this point. If I were to use one, it’d definitely be for ripe pu’erh!

      Hope this helps and cheers!

  4. Idan Avatar

    Interesting video ! I’ve learned a couple of things …. I would love to also hear about regarding storing tea and what kinds of canister would you use .

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Idan,

      Thanks for the comment. Good suggestion! I think that’d be a good ep for the future.


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