Aged Huali Box Tea [Episode 99]

Big thanks to Carolyn who sent this tea in. A mystery tea that came from a box!!


15 responses to “Aged Huali Box Tea [Episode 99]”

  1. Uncle Larry Avatar
    Uncle Larry

    Will this be a new type of occasional episodes???

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Uncle Larry,

      Thanks for stopping in! I’m not sure. We don’t have anything oncoming, but it is always fun to review mysterious teas on the show.


  2. paxl13 Avatar

    LOL ,

    Can it be a ripe with a bad storage ? I used to have that kind of experience
    when I was sampling maocha ripe… I then decided that wouldn’t buy anything
    else than cakes 🙂


    1. James Avatar

      Hi paxl13,

      Thanks for the comment. As Carolyn has speculated much of its strangeness may have to deal with it being stored in a box. It’d be interesting to compare this side by side with another ripe with age.


  3. Arnold Zeman Avatar
    Arnold Zeman

    To me, the patina in the gaiwan suggests it’s shupu. My two cents!

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Arnold,

      Thanks for your input. I think Denny and I are both on the shupu camp now as well.


  4. Rogo Avatar

    These episodes get better and better guys, I am very much enjoying the more relaxed and entertaining approach to the way tea is discussed and how there is a constant learning experience, even for those who feel that they have explored wide areas of tea. I have had the old…. “barn manure tea” as well as the “fish water” experience whilst in Yunnan and… ye, it was interesting haha.
    Keep up the great videos guys :),


    1. James Avatar

      Hi Rogo,

      Thanks for popping in. I’m glad you’re enjoying the episodes (fish water or not).


  5. Carolyn Avatar

    All I can say is… I am completely stumped by this tea too! That is why I sent it to you guys. From what I can tell it is an aged ripe tea, but unlike any other tea I have had. I think the fact it was stored in a wood box has changed the flavor.

    This tea is definitely weird and different, but I do like it. On the plus side it came in a beautifully carved box that I will be re-using once the tea is drunk!

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Carolyn,

      Thanks for the comment and sending in the tea! Quite a mysterious one. Very fun experience.


  6. Bef Avatar

    Carolyn where did you got this tea from?

    1. Carolyn Avatar

      Sorry for the delay Bef…
      My husband found this at an Asian auction house. If you look on the internet you can find such places and every once in a while they sell tea. This was a fun one to get with the cool box. I must say I do not get a “manure” smell, but it does get more interesting for an aged ripe as you steep it out.

      We usually order from Bana tea which is a much safer bet then an auction house!

  7. Joseph Avatar

    This has produced some of the best denny expressions I have ever seen

    1. Carolyn Avatar

      I agree. It was worth sending to see Denny’s reactions!

    2. James Avatar

      Yes indeed :).

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