2000 CNNP Tiepai 7532 via White2Tea — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #26

A mature pu’erh from White2Tea. This tea has seen some humidity but has hardly any stank to it! This one’s for you Uncle Larry.



10 responses to “2000 CNNP Tiepai 7532 via White2Tea — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #26”

  1. Uncle Larry Avatar
    Uncle Larry

    Thank You for dedicating an episode to me.

    1. James Avatar

      Anything for Uncle Larry!

  2. Richard F. Avatar
    Richard F.

    Thanks James. You randomly picked a winner here. I had trouble placing the exact flavors as well, all I know is that I like it.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Richard,

      Yes indeed. Good tea. This is (by my estimations) about as inoffensive as these traditionally stored pu’erh get.


  3. tea Avatar

    I wish I waited to air out the private order sample paul sent out last month, it was pure humidity and the sample size was only 10 gs which is a little over a session but as I am learning with my white whale bricks airing out humid teas makes a huge difference

    Digging the new banner btw

    1. James Avatar

      Hi tea,

      Thanks for the comment and sharing. Interesting to hear that the White Whale is humid to you! I’ve always thought it was fairly middle of the road on the storage spectrum.

      Yes, aha. I recently got chewed out by a friend for our old banner. Thanks for the kind words.


  4. Phil Avatar

    Great inbetweenisode, James. You and Denny have been a large part of my getting back into pu’erh with your focus on some interesting teas and trusted vendors. For this, I thank you both. I’ve been drinking through a lot of samples including this 2000 CNNP Tiepai 7532, which I found to be a bit humid for my taste. It’s a good brew, but if someone is looking for a less humid aged sheng, the 2002 Little Yellow Mark and the 2002 White Whale are good ones to try from White2tea. Looking back at my tasting notes for the 7532, I noted that I preferred the 1997 CNNP 7581 shu brick from Yunnan Sourcing which, despite being a ripe pu-erh, seems to have a flavor profile (and price per gram) similar to the (wet-stored) aged 7532 but without the humid flavors. I think you mentioned the 7581 in one of your episodes or posts, which caused me to check it out. Thanks again for all the great information and inspiring me to create my own pumidor.

    P.S. I too read Jinghong Zhang’s excellent book (Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic) and found it to be fascinating. I’m glad to hear that this book is getting more notice in the pu-erh community. Pu-erh tea seems to be an infinitely complex topic, which makes it stimulating to learn about and a very rewarding tea to experiment with.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Phil,

      Thanks for the comment and kind words. Definitely agree on both the White Whale and Yellow Mark. Both are favorites of mine, in particular that Yellow Mark. I have lamented for months over buying some.

      That 1997 CNNP 7581 remains one of my favorites. Really nice ripe pu’erh and I am a happy owner of 1.5 bricks! Interesting comparison with aged sheng. From memory, they both have a fairly specific aged taste (camphor?).


      1. Phil Avatar

        I had to pick up a few bricks of the 7581 too. I am enjoying some in a yixing pot at the moment, and I think you are right about the camphor. In later steeps, once the tea has opened up, a subtle incense-like sweetness wafts from the pot, a scent which is quite awesome! Sniffing the air-hole in the top of the pot as it steeps, I get a soothing, woody camphor aroma that is worth the purchase price alone.

        1. James Avatar

          Thanks for the notes Phil. Glad to see you enjoy this tea almost as much as me. Just hearing this makes me want to pick up another brick (or three)!


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