W2T’s January Tea Club — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #69

Featuring guest star Meet. This episode features the W2T January tea club, including some 2008 White Tea and the Ol Reliable.


9 responses to “W2T’s January Tea Club — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #69”

  1. Peter Avatar

    Nice to hear your thoughts on the Ol’ Reliable ripe, which I acquired recently as part of the basics set.

    I have thought about joining the W2T club. Is there any forum or venue online where club members can discuss their thoughts about each month’s teas (which James alluded to in the video)?


    1. bellmont Avatar

      Hmm, I am not sure exactly what James had in mind but you may find these helpful:

      Here is the Steepster discussion on the topic, mostly people recommending the club: http://steepster.com/discuss/9498-white2tea-club-tea-delivered-to-your-doorstep-every-month?page=1&post_id=170775

      Oolong Owl is also pretty good about doing posts/reviews where each month is reviewed all in the same post: http://oolongowl.com/tag/monthly-tea-box/

      You may also try searching for each individual tea on Steepster for more in depth reviews.

      1. James Avatar

        Hi Peter & Bellmont,

        As Bellmont says, there’s a good deal of activity on steepster and Oolong Owl is very good about posting monthly. There’s also a lot of chatter on instagram if that is your thing.


  2. Matt Avatar

    James so savage about the white tea having a soft profile. “Is this the kind of tea you would serve to a girl on a date?”, that white tea is from the STREETS.

    1. James Avatar

      lol Matt! A white tea from the streets. I can get on board with this.

  3. bellmont Avatar

    How do you age white tea?

    1. James Avatar

      Hi bellmont,

      I’m not really too sure. I’d imagine that the caked version is stored somewhat similarly to pu’erh.


  4. Pete Avatar

    Ahah! James reveals his patented white tea seduction technique. Take note!!

    1. James Avatar

      It’s Professor Schergen to you good sir..

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