James & Denny continue on their series of Oolong teas venturing over to mainland China’s famous Wuyi mountains for another Verdant Tea offering: Shui Jin Gui Wuyi Oolong tea.
Shui Jin Gui Wuyi Oolong [Episode 3]
2 responses to “Shui Jin Gui Wuyi Oolong [Episode 3]”
Hey guys,
Awesome review. Jame’s “forgery” comment cracked me up! Also it taught me to be more cautious purchasing tea online. Anyway I already have a Da Hong Pao from Teavivre, and I am going to purchase a Sui Jin Gui from Verdant. I don’t know where to purchase a Tie Luo Han Tea and a Bai Ji Guan but I want to make sure . Any recommended vendors for the other two?
Thanks for the comment Paolo.
I’d actually highly, highly recommend the Tie Luo Han that Yunnan Sourcing is currently carrying. It is one of the best Wuyi teas I’ve had recently. Their Rou Gui (by the same producer) is also quite good. The Hua Xiang DHP and SX are both worth checking out as well.
The Bai Ji Guan is a bit trickier. You can look at ebay vendors like Dragon Tea House. I also know TeaSpring and Seven Cups sell it, although I can’t personally attest to their quality. Essence of Tea carries it too but it is on the pricy end.
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