Morning Crane Tea Balhyocha [Episode 218]

This episode James and Denny review an interesting, complex, and unique Balhyocha from Arthur over at Morning Crane Tea. Check out this informative article on Balhyocha from Arthur.



4 responses to “Morning Crane Tea Balhyocha [Episode 218]”

  1. nishnek Avatar

    Pronunciation is something more like “bahl-hyoh-cha” :). What I’ve gleaned from some googling is that hwangcha is often referred to as halfway done or partially oxidized balhyocha, so they’re sort of along a spectrum of oxidation, as balhyo refers to something fermented, here, in the case of tea, the heavy level of oxidation (I think, doesn’t seem to be actually fermented like puerh as far as I can tell?). Definitions/term usage seem kind of murky in Korea too, though, haha.

    1. James Avatar

      Thanks Nishnek! All to often am drinking on the show and have an “oh shit, I have no idea how to say this” moment.

  2. Arthur K. J. Park Avatar

    Thanks for posting another of my teas. There is no need to rinse Korean balhyochas. I sent you several balhyochas each by a different producer. They are all different. This one by Kim Shin Ho is considered a red tea (black). ‘Balhyo’ is also Anglicized as ‘parhyo’ and the “cha” simply translates to tea. As the above note suggests there is a ‘real’ hard “O” or “OH” at the end. The correct pronunciation is closer to that sound. “P’s” and “B’s”often are changed. we used to call the city of Busan, Pusan. The term balhyo literally means ‘fermented’ but in the case of teas they are oxidized.

    1. James Avatar

      Thank you Arthur and my sincere apologies for butchering the word. These teas have been interesting and fun! Hope to bring on some more to the show soon.

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