Extended Episode, YS 2004 Songpin, Gu Puer — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #111

An extended episode featuring a pair of Yunnan Sourcing wetter stored teas.

2004 Songpin Hao Yiwu

2004 Gu Puer Cha Ma Gu Dao


7 responses to “Extended Episode, YS 2004 Songpin, Gu Puer — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #111”

  1. Doug Avatar

    Great job, James. I prefer these episodes where you compare a couple of mid-priced teas that are readily available to those where you highlight a more expensive/non-sampleable tea that you purchased in Taiwan or on Taobao, or received from a friend. While the latter are interesting and educational, the former provide me with more useful advice about teas that I would actually buy, given that I’m not really in the market for $200 plus cakes and puer is not the only tea I drink.

    Thanks again!

    1. James Avatar

      Thanks Doug and duly noted. Always appreciate the feedback and thanks for watching :).


  2. Keith Avatar

    Really enjoyed this episode; keep it up! #BathtubStorage

    1. James Avatar

      Thanks Keith!

  3. Aardvark Cheeselog Avatar
    Aardvark Cheeselog

    Concur with @Doug about the virtues of your talking about things we can actually buy. Though it happens that I already have both of these. I suppose it’s still good to have an alternate take to look at.

    As for the slightly greater maturity of the Gu cake, it was in Guangdong until just recently, while the Songpin got moved to Kunming after 10 years. The additional 2 years in the hot and humid might be a partial explanation.

  4. Notes on Tea Avatar

    I enjoy all the episodes but I especially appreciated the comparison tasting and the fact that these teas were purchased from an accessible vendor, and were affordably priced.

  5. truthandgo / amon Avatar

    Recently i put exactly these two cakes /samples of them on my wishlist at YS, thank you for the great video!

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