2016 Vesper Chan’s Red Sunset Ripe Pu’erh via Bana Tea [Inbetweenisode 168]

This episode, James brings on a boutique ripe pu’erh, under Vesper Chan’s (Best Tea House) label. This is a thick, elegant, very tasty ripe pu’erh.

7.2 Rating.

Shoutout to Oolong Owl for turning me onto this tea.



4 responses to “2016 Vesper Chan’s Red Sunset Ripe Pu’erh via Bana Tea [Inbetweenisode 168]”

  1. heichaholiday Avatar

    I got a cake of this from Liquid Proust for very little since he doesn’t care for shou. I think I’ve only had it maybe twice? Time to bring it out again

    1. James Avatar

      I think this one is pretty nice. It’s not the best ever and doesn’t have a single standout category, but is clearly above average in a lot of ways.


      1. heichaholiday Avatar

        Yeah. Here’s my post on it if people want my thoughts – https://www.instagram.com/p/BkDp3F1HKHm/?taken-by=heichaholiday

        “I saw the @teadborg video on the 2016 Vesper Chan Sunset Red ripe so I brought mine out!

        Pretty nice. The dry leaf smells like sugarcane and star fruit which is very interesting and bodes well. Taste is very pleasant – occasional hints of mango on lighter infusions, sugar, and that kind of sweet but spicy wood. Honestly, the mango is the most exciting part of this tea. Hope it comes out more and more as it ages.

        The price is a bit high on this tea but I got a single cake secondhand for 2/3 the normal price which I think was a very good deal. Overall, I do prefer the Hai Lang Hao profile but this is very easy to drink and I will keep an eye out for similar ripes.”

        1. James Avatar

          Hi heichaholiday and thank you for the note. Yeah, I think I tend to agree. This one is damn solid, but the HLH hits my preferences better.


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