1989 Hualien Camellia Sinensis Aged Taiwanese Oolong [Episode 50]

In episode 50, Denny and James start a short series on Aged Oolongs with Camellia Sinensis1989 Hualien. A great introduction to aged oolongs, especially dry and clean tasting ones.


12 responses to “1989 Hualien Camellia Sinensis Aged Taiwanese Oolong [Episode 50]”

  1. Peter Avatar

    Fascinating to hear you gents describe the various flavours in the tea, as well as Denny’s obvious infatuation with it. Definately worth the price of admission!

    Thanks for another very enjoyable video.

    1. James Avatar

      Thanks Peter! Glad you enjoyed the ep.


  2. Bef Avatar

    Something’s missing… the music!

    Thanks for another great post. I really enjoy following your website every week.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Bef, thanks for the comment and kind words! Yes I made an exporting mistake and the music is gone for this episode :(. Will be back for episode 51.


  3. MengChiu Lim Avatar
    MengChiu Lim

    I am very glad you guys did the review of aged Taiwanese Oolong. I have tasted a few very good aged Taiwanese Oolong thanks to a few Taiwanese friends, however like James suggested i find it quite hard to find good aged Taiwanese Oolong here in U.S. If i do found one, they are usually pricey, beyond what i can afford.

    I wonder if you guys know if there is any aged oolong from Fujian, China that is comparable. I read some of the internet post that it is also fairly common to age oolong tea there, however i have not seen any website offers it. I have not look real hard though.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Mengchiu, thanks for the comment. I agree with much of what you’ve said. Finding aged oolong is difficult in the US, and finding aged oolong that is not from Taiwan is another degree of difficulty harder. It makes some sense as most aged oolongs tend to be small-productions, not worth it for a vendor who stocks up in bulk once or twice a year.


  4. MengChiu Lim Avatar
    MengChiu Lim

    There are certainly aged Anxi Tie Guan Ying available here. I just not sure about the quality of the tea and the vendor. I ran out of my “tea budget” for this year as i became over excited about 2014 spring tea (or maybe because winter is over at Seattle). I will have to reserve some budget for aged Tie Guan Ying next year. If i found something worthwhile sharing, will let you guys know.

    1. James Avatar

      Very interesting, where are they available? I’m not too aware of any that are at least 15-20 years old.

      And please do let us know!


      1. MengChiu Lim Avatar
        MengChiu Lim

        There are a few on ebay. Just search for aged tie guan yin. The problem is how trust worthy it is. That’s why i am hesitant to invest. “Feng Shan” brand, a famous tie guan yin brand also has aged oolong, but the website that i found did not provide good information about how old the tea is.

        The alternative is, make some good Taiwanese friends that are willing to help you to get some good aged tea from Taiwan and the price is typical half of what we have to pay here. Make it much more affordable.

        1. James Avatar

          Mmm indeed. I’ve seen those as well and I understand your hesitancy. Have yet to roll the dice on any of the ebay vendors for aged oolongs.

          Been meaning to check out the aged oolongs we have locally at Floating Leaves. And yes, having good Taiwanese friends is probably the best way :).

  5. Richard Avatar

    Shiuwen’s aged oolongs are worth investigating. My favorite was the “Aged Muzha TGY”. Stephane also has some though they can range in price quite a bit. The 2000 Alishan is interesting, have not tried his other two currently listed.

    1. James Avatar

      Yes, thank you for the recommendation. I’ll be sure to check grab the Aged TGY next time i stop by.

      Stephane’s older Dong Dings look interesting, but alas are priced accordingly.

      I also have a pile of Aged Oolongs from J-Tea, that we’ll be reviewing on the show :).


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