What’s Kombucha and How Do You Make It? – TeaDB InBetweenIsode #22 w/ Denny


4 responses to “What’s Kombucha and How Do You Make It? – TeaDB InBetweenIsode #22 w/ Denny”

  1. Bef Avatar

    The “thing” that is floating is really killing me…!

  2. Tealizzy Avatar

    Thanks for doing this episode, as I’ve been seeing kombucha everywhere but didn’t know what it was. I agree with Bef, above, though, it was kinda gross! Haha! I get that it’s a live culture, but seeing it turns me off. 😛 Neat to make your own tea flavors though.

  3. Xenia Avatar

    Thank you for reminding me about this thing 🙂
    my mum used to make it. we called it…well… a ‘mushroom’ (only in Russian). It was quite popular where I lived back then (Lithuania), no idea how it got there (there was no internet in the 80s:) and I have not tried it in years. But it is very delicious and refreshing as far as I remember it…

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Xenia,

      Thanks for the comment and sharing your experience!


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