Extending a Session — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #102

This episode, James talks about different ways to extend a session to get the most out of your best teas. Tea featured is 2007 Yangqing Hao Qizhong.


5 responses to “Extending a Session — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #102”

  1. Oop# Avatar

    It was enjoyed, thank you.

    New types of content are always interesting, as long as you like doing them.

  2. Charlie in Richmond Avatar
    Charlie in Richmond

    That is a very clever idea, and I would never have thought of it! I will have to try that.

    I do use a thermos on days when I’m going to be out of the office. I’ll put in about 2.2 grams of leaves into a 2 cup (500 ml) thermos and add boiling water. It usually works pretty well although you lose some of the nuisances with gong fu style.

    James – have you ever tried iced puerh tea? I’ve been making it this summer with raw peurh and it is quite good… to my surprise.

    Thanks for the episode!
    – Charlie

  3. Tyler Avatar

    That’s a great idea for those special tea leaves you want to keep brewing. Thanks, James, for this informative video! 🙂

  4. RuiA Avatar

    Hi James,

    Thanks very much for another informative and interesting video.

    What is the brand of that Thermos please? The one I use would not keep my water hot for few hours.

    Many thanks.


    1. James Avatar

      It’s a Zojirushi brand.

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