Category: Tea Learning

  • 2015 Red Yiwu Seasonal Comparison (Bana Tea) [Episode 157]

    Spring vs. Summer vs. Autumn comparison of Bana Tea‘s Red Yiwu. Material is all from 2015.

  • Budgetary Committee: What My Tea Budget Actually Looked Like

    I spent too much money in 2015. Emmett’s group orders and the Asia trip being the large culprits of pushing me from a little over to wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over.. I’ve compiled some data from purchases from 2015 and without divulging exact teas and $ amounts, here’s some data that is ambiguous enough to save me embarrassment.. This includes all cakes purchased that weren’t intended as sample cakes. 30 different cakes (all raw) in total with 67 different cakes.. (more…)

  • How I Care For My Yixing — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #76

    One of the frequently asked questions. How I care for my yixing teapots.

  • Pu’erh Blogs & Resources

    It’s a lonely world out there for those discussing pu’erh. We don’t have the same accessibility to in-person tea or pu’erh communities like urban centers in the east. This is a straightforward post detailing a few different resources and blogs that you might find valuable or useful. (more…)

  • 2009 Sanhehao Yiwu via Bana Tea Compression/Storage Comparison [Episode 148]

    In episode 148, Denny and James compare the same base material stored in loose maocha form (California) vs. the caked China-Stored version. Very interesting comparison and big thanks to Bana Tea for providing the materia (the 2009 Sanhehao)l

  • The Cult of Yang. Easter Edition. YQH Part 2

    The Cult of Yang. Easter Edition. YQH Part 2

    Santa Claus didn’t come this year? No problem.. Easter’s early this year.. And while it’s not traditionally much of a gift giving holiday, who’s not above spiking the kid’s easter egg hunt with a few adult treats. I’m not remotely suggesting that you should skip buying your kids candy (it’s unhealthy anyways) and replace the original tong bamboo wrapping of your YQH tong with a giant tong-shapped easter egg… (more…)

  • Verdant Tea’s “Old Tree” Teas vs. W2T’s Little Walk — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #68

    2015 Spring teas. This review features three of the supposedly old tree teas from Verdant (300yr, 1000yr, 1800yr) against White2Tea’s Little Walk as the benchmark.

  • Storage, My Pumidor, a little Q&A — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #67

    A one-off episode about storage, pu’erh storage, tinning teas, and my pumidor. Thanks to Benoit for the great questions.

  • Two Thoughts on Hitting Hard & Buying Pu’erh

    Two Thoughts on Hitting Hard & Buying Pu’erh

    Find Tea Worthy of Hitting Hard (Aim High, & DO NOT CHEAP OUT)

    Repeat that five times… Here’s a few buying scenarios…

    1. You buy too much of truly great tea and run out of money and tea. You end up in tea exile quaffing some crappy sea dyke or *gasps in horrs* teabags! We’re all deathly afraid of this but it almost never happens. I’ve yet to hear a single instance of this is happening.… it is also really not too hard for most of us, except for the most picky, to find drinkable tea for a not too ridiculous price.
    2. You hit it right and have a good chunk of tea to drink and a good chunk of tea to set aside. Good work!
    3. You buy a lot of cheaper tea. WARNING WARNING!!!! Not only do you have to worry about space but there’s a very good chance you’ll grow tired of your purchase.

    From what I can tell scenario #3 is really common and about 1000000x more likely than scenario #1.. One danger with hitting hard is becoming attracted to the idea of buying lots of tea for the sake of buying. Wanting to buy a tong, because well it’s a effing tong! There’s bamboo.. And seven cakes.. Good shit.. This is where the risk of cheaping out is high for people choosing quantity over quality, especially for newer drinkers. Before impulse buying loads of pu’erh, you should think long and hard about the quality and availability of suitable replacements for pu’erh. (more…)

  • Awkwardness in Pu’erh & A Brief Survey

    Awkwardness in Pu’erh & A Brief Survey

    Thanks to Linda, Scott, and Paul for answering my questions!

    Raw pu’erh is very tricky. From the time it is processed to consumption the tea is constantly changing. There are ebbs and flows in how the tea develops and what tastes good fresh may not be the better tasting tea in the long-run. Teas can also go through certain stages where it’ll be transitional or in-between profiles, lacking a cohesive form and not necessarily tasting appealing or enjoyable. These awkward stages depend on a number of factors including the base material, compression, storage, etc. making them difficult to pin down. It can be tricky to discern if the tea will recover to become good and decent or if it is ultimately doomed.. (more…)