James & Denny start a short mini-series on a couple high-mountain teas from Floating Leaves Spring 2013 selection. This episode covers a classic favorite, the Alishan high-mountain oolong. For complimentary reading on Taiwanese Oolongs check out the Taiwanese Oolong Compendium, the Price of High-Mountain tea, and the Taiwanese Tea Vendor Guide.
Category: Podcasts
Big Red Robe Oolong [Episode 17]
James & Denny are again joined by special guest Zach to complete their three-episode series on Teavivre. Up last is the very famous, bold, pungent tea from the Wuyi Mountains, Da Hong Pao or Big Red Robe.
Fengqing Golden Buds 2005 Shu Pu’erh [Episode 16]
James & Denny are again joined by a guest Zach for the second episode in a three-episode series on Teavivre. Episode 16 covers their premium Ripe Pu’eh offering from 2005, Fengqing Golden Buds 2005.
Oriental Beauty Oolong [Episode 15]
James & Denny are joined by a guest Zach for a three-episode series on the diverse selection from Teavivre. Episode 15 covers their Oriental Beauty offering.
Four Seasons Oolong [Episode 14]
Another Oolong from Tea from Taiwan! We move from the ultra-premium Da Yu Ling to popular Taiwanese daily drinker, Four Seasons Oolong. In episode 14, Denny and James covers this fruity, inexpensive tea.
Da Yu Ling Oolong [Episode 13]
James & Denny do a short series on some wonderful Oolongs from Tea from Taiwan. Episode 13 covers the very-famous, very-premium oolong from Taiwan, Da Yu Ling.
Oriental Beauty Oolong [Episode 12]
In episode 12, James & Denny engage in a longer-form podcast while drinking Floating Leaves‘ Oriental Beauty covering topics like how they drink tea, learning about tea, brewing parameters, etc.
Den’s Hashiri Sencha Japanese Green Tea [Episode 11]
James & Denny complete their series of Japanese green teas with Episode 11 and another sencha. This time it’s from state-side based vendor Den’s Tea. They drink Den’s most premium Shincha (first harvest) offering the Hashiri Sencha.
O-Cha’s Chiran Sencha Japanese Green Tea [Episode 10]
James & Denny continue their series of Japanese green teas with Episode 10 and an offering from long-time vendor of Japanese greens, O-Cha. In this episode they drink O-Cha’s lovely Shincha Chiran Sencha.
Ryu Mei’s Matcha [Episode 9]
In episode 9, James & Denny start a new series on Japanese green tea with a fresh, highly energizing Matcha from Ryu Mei.