This episode, Denny and I drink a premium Yancha from WuyiOrigin. The tea is complex, dynamic, and very tasty.
Category: Oolong
Storage is Wicked. Long & Short Feedback Loops. Innovation in Pu’erh Storage
David Epstein’s book Range makes the case for generalization in a world that has become increasingly specialized. One of the ways the book categorizes areas of interest are as wicked and kind environments. Kind environments are where information and feedback is very available, patterns repeat, and situations are more constrained. Examples of mostly kind learning environments are golf or classical music. Wicked environments are inherently trickier, noisier and typically involve situations where not all information is available. Conditions are dynamic and involve other people and judgement where feedback is not automatic. And when feedback is given it may be partial or inaccurate.
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2019 Tea & TeaDB Reflections
2019 may be one of the more boring years from TeaDB to write about. I drank tea, bought a little, Denny and I continued our episode per week pace, and I wrote a bit. My habits are more settled, a steady trend at this point. I know what I like and tend to follow predictable patterns.
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Lazy Cat Tea Space Cat Rougui Wuyi Oolong [Episode 347]
This episode, Denny and I drink a very high-quality Yancha from Lazy Cat Teas. The tea is extremely aromatic, dynamic, complex, with a great aftertaste. Thank you to Atlas for sending this to us!
WuyiOrigin Jin Mao Hou Wuyi Oolong Tea [Episode 345]
This episode, Denny and I drink an aromatic, tasty Yancha (rock oolong) from Wuyi Origin. In the video we mistakenly thought this was a black tea (Hong Cha). It is actually an oolong.
1974 Everlasting Tea’s Baozhong Aged Oolong [Episode 343]
This episode, Denny and I drink a very old oolong (~45 years old!). It is remarkably clean, with an earthy smooth profile. For me this makes the ultimate comfort tea that is warming to the core and highly enjoyable.
VORT & VOATO. Nerdy Tea Comparisons.
In sports analytics (baseball and basketball), there’s a couple of new(ish) advanced metrics that have caught traction over the past decade. One is VORP, which stands for Value Over Replacement Player and measures a player’s contribution compared with what a theoretical placement player might. This is typically measured in baseball as runs with the player being measured vs. a replacement player. Another somewhat similar metric, is WAR or Wins Above Replacement. This is measured in wins. The methodologies for these vary across sports, but involve aggregating data together in some sort of a model.
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Tributary Teas Light Roast Lishan [Episode 341]
This episode we drink another Lishan mountain tea from Tributary Teas. This one is their light roast, which forms a nice contrast with the greener, crisper, more verdant Lishan we previously reviewed.
Five Things I Like & Dislike. Short-Term Pumidors, B&B Sheng of the Day, Buying Pu’erh on Amazon
Five things I like & dislike.
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Tributary Teas Lishan Huagang High-Mountain Tea [Episode 338]
We go back to an old favorite, High-Mountain oolong. This tea is crisp, fresh, and very enjoyable. Thank you to the folks over at Tributary Teas for providing it!