You’ve just come back from an amazing experience at a tea shop at your local Chinatown. Not only did you strike up an engaging conversation with the tea shop owner but you got to drink through several different teas and eventually pick out your favorite of the bunch. Eager to recreate the experience, you dump $40-100 on a 150g bag of tea (not saying it was cheap). Except there’s one problem. You can’t make the tea taste the same. It’s not necessarily bad or worse, just different. You’ve tried using a lot of leaf, a little leaf, brewing for a long time, brewing for a short time, different water, lower temperature, higher temperature, yixing, no yixing, etc.. Other than adding cream & sugar (because you have a soul), you’ve pretty much tried everything. Disregarding the possibility of being duped (bait & switch) or other sorts of foul play, what’s going on here? (more…)
Author: James
2013 Yunnan Sourcing’s Dasi — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #42
A revisiting of the tea consumed in episode 115, Yunnan Sourcing’s 2013 Dasi.
2005 Naka via White2Tea [Episode 118]
A kinda calming tea. The 2005 Naka.
Useful Pu’erh Resources/Blogs — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #41
Some useful websites for your pu’erh journey.
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Yunnan Sourcing’s 2015 Walongzhai [Episode 117]
The final episode featuring Yunnan Sourcing is one of the wildest episodes of TeaDB. An outdoor tea session with some fresh 2015 raw pu’erh in the wilderness in Bend, followed by a proper session in the TeaDB HQ back in Seattle.
5+ Year Old “Menghai County” Raw Pu’erh [July 2015 Tea Drinking Report]
Shoutouts to Dignitea, Brian (double B), and Hster for providing teas for this month and allowing the content to be what it is!
By now you know the drill. I drink a bunch of teas following a certain theme. Blah, blah, blah. This month is Menghai County. One problem.. Menghai County is big and I have a ton of teas that qualify. So, like the Yiwu reports (1, 2) I’ve split this in two. So why am I doing 5+ year old Menghai County tea first? Simply, I’m more calibrated for these semi-aged teas because I more recently have been tasting through similarly aged “Yiwu” teas. (more…)
2015 White2Tea Little Walk — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #40
A nice little daily drinker from White2Tea’s 2015 line.
Taiwan Sourcing’s Lishan Tieguanyin [Episode 116]
A more normal TeaDB episode but featuring Scott Wilson (Yunnan Sourcing) and another important part of Yunnan Sourcing his wife (XY). This is Denny and James first taste of the Taiwanese teas of Taiwan Sourcing, with their Lishan Tieguanyin.
2015 Colbert vs. 2015 Tuhao — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #39
Two teas from Menghai County from the White2Tea 2015 line. -
Interview w/Scott Wilson (Yunnan Sourcing) feat. 2013 YS Da Si [Episode 115]
A comprehensive interview with Scott Wilson of Yunnan Sourcing detailing his long 12 year journey based in Yunnan from it’s beginnings as an Ebay store, his own productions and much much more. Tea consumed: 2013 Yunnan Sourcing Da Si. Interview was conducted in Bend where the Yunnan Sourcing US branch is based.