2015 Denong Wild Ripe [Episode 182]

A very nice young ripe pu’erh from Denong Tea, a boutique operation who is available through Bana Tea but has also opened their own web store.


3 responses to “2015 Denong Wild Ripe [Episode 182]”

  1. Doug Avatar

    Hey guys,

    How does this compare to YS’s Green Miracle, another 2015 lightly fermented ripe that is made from good base material?



    1. James Avatar

      Good question. It’s been a while since I tried Green Miracle and when I did it had just been pressed. If I were to guess, I’d guess this tea from Denong is a grade or two higher, but also more than twice as expensive.

  2. Windel Avatar

    Where did you get your tea tray?

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