Bana Tea’s 2009 Sanhe Hao & 2014 Red Yiwu — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #34

Comparison of two excellent teas from the same farm in the Yiwu area. Thanks to Carrie for kindly providing the Red Yiwu and Linda Louie of Bana Tea for providing the Sanhe Hao!


7 responses to “Bana Tea’s 2009 Sanhe Hao & 2014 Red Yiwu — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #34”

  1. Uncle Larry Avatar
    Uncle Larry

    Do you have more samples to drink from than full cakes???

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Uncle Larry,

      It’d be an exercise in how high I can count, but yes I believe I do!


      1. Linda Louie Avatar

        James, do you need more samples? I can send more.

  2. Rich Avatar

    A request to Bana Teas – I wish there were smaller samples of teas available for purchase, outside of the sample packs. There are lots of teas I’d like to try, but the samples offered are big and expensive for my budget.

    1. James Avatar

      Hi Rich,

      That’s a great point. I agree! Will send your comment to Linda.


  3. Linda Louie Avatar

    Hi Rich,

    If you want to buy samples of any tea, just send me an email indicating the tea(s) you want to try and the amount and we’d be happy to make them available.


    1. James Avatar

      Thanks Linda. That makes trying many of Bana Tea’s a good deal easier to do.


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