2007 CNNP 8891 Raw Pu’erh Recipe via Yunnan Sourcing [Inbetweenisode 159]

This episode, James reviews a big cake that is a little over a decade old. Sitting at under $0.10/g or $0.10/g on the US website, this is a great value pu’erh.

Thank you to JD for the sample!

2007 CNNP "8891 Red Label" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake

5.4 Rating.


2 responses to “2007 CNNP 8891 Raw Pu’erh Recipe via Yunnan Sourcing [Inbetweenisode 159]”

  1. Jon Avatar

    Thanks for the review; I’ve had my eye on this one for a while.

    What would you suggest along the same lines of this one in terms of flavour/age which is more expensive but worth the extra price?
    i.e. if you like this kind of thing but are happy to spend a bit more?


    1. James Avatar

      Hi Jon,

      Good question. I like their 2005 Big Yellow Mark which is a bit more expensive per gram but still pretty reasonable. Cwyn has also written about it.



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