This episode, James brings on a famous Big Green Tree production, the 1999 Red Ticket. This tea was lightly humidly stored early, but is very clean now. Big thank you to 3B over at the HK Tea Forum for meeting up and providing the generous sample.
1999 Big Green Tree Red Ticket Raw Pu’erh [Inbetweenisode 138]
2 responses to “1999 Big Green Tree Red Ticket Raw Pu’erh [Inbetweenisode 138]”
So…you’ve had many of the classic teas. If you could afford it, which of these teas would you buy a cake of?
Hi shah,
Good question. I have redos under my own parameters of a couple of the famous ones and will try to answer that question again when I have those.
Off the cuff, perhaps the 1999 Yichanghao.
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