The W2T Club November tea. A young recently-pressed raw pu’erh from Lincang.
Category: Podcasts
2003 Chenyuan Hao Yesheng [Episode 189]
To commemorate our new location, this episode we drink a high-end sheng from boutique Taiwanese producer, Chenyuan Hao. Dry-stored by a collector in Malaysia, this is a wonderful tea to enjoy with our tea heads.
The tea is made from wild Yiwu leaves.
W2T Hot & Heavy + DHP [Inbetweenisode 114]
Rejoined by Meet to visit a couple of White2Tea’s new Wuyi teas.
1970s SSHC Liubao via EoT [Episode 187]
Some 1970s Liubao sent to us by Essence of Tea. Clean, old, and enjoyable!
2016 Yunnan Sourcing Mangfei — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #113
A review of a very affordable, strong young pu’erh from Yunnan Sourcing.
2007 Kunlu via Bana Tea [Episode 184]
A premium, smooth, and generally very nice tea from Bana Tea. The 2007 Kunlu is very solid base material.
2001 Yiwu Spring Buds [Episode 183]
Another review of the Yiwu Spring Buds cake that James picked up in his trip to Hong Kong in 2015. Traditionally stored, this tea is very drinkable.
2015 Denong Wild Ripe [Episode 182]
A very nice young ripe pu’erh from Denong Tea, a boutique operation who is available through Bana Tea but has also opened their own web store.
2002 Wistaria Ziyin You [Teas I Own] — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #110
A tea from iconic tea house. This one is made from small-leaf varietal on Youle.
White2Tea’s The Treachery of Storytelling P2 [Episode 181]
A review of White2Tea’s most expensive (per g) 2016 tea. The Treachery of Storytelling. Thanks to CavemanKing for the sample.