2017 has been a transitory year for me with a few significant life changes. Part of this involved the very painful process of packing up all my tea-related things and moving from my apartment of five years. This is the first time since my tea-obsession began that I’ve moved. It also forced me to reckon with how much I had accumulated (maybe I can just get rid of more sweaters to fit a few extra cakes?). This year has also been quite different from 2014-2016, with both my consumption and purchasing shifting significantly downwards, a shift I consider to be both positive and healthy.. (more…)
Category: Wuyi Oolong
Cha Ceremony’s Aged Dahongpao [Episode 241]
This episode, Denny and James drink some aged, roasted Dahongpao from Cha Ceremony, a Yancha specialist.
Cha Ceremony’s Zhengyan Rougui [Inbetweenisode 152]
This episode, James brings on TeaDB regular, Meet onto the show for some of Meet’s favorite type of tea, Wuyi Oolong. The tea is Cha Ceremony’s Zhengyan Rougui.
WuyiOrigin Qidan Wuyi Oolong with Meet [Inbetweenisode 142]
This episode features perennial guest, Meet for some more of his favorite tea, Yancha. They drink James’ regular brew of the last year, WuyiOrigin’s Qidan.
WuyiOrigin Qidan [Inbetweenisode 131]
This inbetweenisode, James drinks WuyiOrigin’s Qidan. On the lighter roasted side of Wuyi and very aromatic. Qidan is one of the common varietals used as a close cousin of Dahongpao.
2014 Wuyi Origin Laocong Shuixian [Episode 199]
A 2014 Old Bush Shuixian Yancha from Cindy Chen at Wuyi Origin.
W2T Hot & Heavy + DHP [Inbetweenisode 114]
Rejoined by Meet to visit a couple of White2Tea’s new Wuyi teas.
Old Whitey & Hoplite Oolong — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #106
Back for another episode.. Old Whitey & Hoplite (Yancha) are featured in the September W2T Club.
2005 Shuixian — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #87
We’re back with a bonus episode. This one features frequently requested guest, Meet and a 2005 Shuixian that he owns quite a lot of.
30 Year Old? Wuyi [Episode 162]
An oolong gift given to Denny from James’ Taiwan trip. This is an old, mellow, easy to drink Yancha.