Three roast Dongding from Floating Leaves. A nicely processed and roasted oolong, that’s a bit different from your standard charcoal roasted Dongding oolong.
Category: Taiwanese Oolong
Czajownia Alishan [Episode 190]
A crisp, fresh, Alishan coming from an unlikely source in Poland.
Floating Leaves Tea’s Muzha Tieguanyin [Episode 180]
A Taiwanese, high-fired roasted Tieguanyin from local tea shop, Floating Leaves.
Wu Zhong Hang Yuansheng [Episode 177]
A supposedly best-selling oolong from a shop in the Yongkang area of Taipei. Thanks to Gio for sending this!
Teamasters Alishan [Episode 172]
This episode, Denny and James drink a fresh 2016 Alishan from Teamasters generously supplied by Ryan Ahn of the Penn State Institute.
Shopping for Tea in Taiwan FAQ
Since my first trip to Taiwan, I’ve been frequently asked about what to do and where to go for tea in Taiwan. This is an attempt to answer some of these questions.. I should also preface this with a warning. I’m by no means an experienced sourcer and have had my share of purchasing errors and regrets, so please take this all with the proper context with appropriate reservations.. These are more or less the answers I’d typically give venturing off to the island of tea. (more…)
TW Aged Oolong [Taiwan Tapes] — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #84
A type of tea that is becoming increasingly expensive in the east, but is several degrees harder to find in the west, aged oolong. This episode concludes the episodes filmed in Taiwan.
The Jade Leaf’s Hong Shui Oolong [Taiwan Tapes] — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #83
This episode guest stars Emilio of The Jade Leaf and features one of his popular oolongs and the increasingly unpopular, scarce Hong Shui Oolong.
Interview w/Emilio of The Jade Leaf [Taiwan Tapes] — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #82
This episode features Emilio, a potter based in Taipei who specializes in handmade and wood-fired teaware. Check out his wares at The Jade Leaf.
No tea this episode.. Just teaware. Big thanks to Emilio for appearing!
Chesser’s Tea Lugu Oolong [Episode 153]
From UK-based merchant Chessers, this episode takes James and Denny back to their roots with some Taiwanese oolong. Thea tea is Chesser’s Lugu Oolong.