Episode 40 completes the two-part series on some great red/black teas from Yezi Tea. This one features a very good, premium tea, Yi Fu Chun, another black from Fujian.
Category: Black Tea
Camellia Sinensis Samabeong DJ-13 1st Flush Organic & Fair Trade Darjeeling [Episode 24]
British style tea. In episode 24, James & Denny travel to a completely different country, India. With very small and partially oxidized leaves, they review a Darjeeling from Camellia Sinensis.
Dan Chan Dong Cheon Korean Black Tea [Episode 21]
In Episode 21, James & Denny finish up a short, two-episode series with a true rarity, Korean Black Tea. Like the Jungjak in Episode 20, the Danchan comes from Dong Cheon teas. Grown from the Hadong region, using high-quality Sejak leaves this is a truly unique tea. This tea can be purchased in the western world from Phoenix Tea House.