Author: James

  • Oriental Beauty Teamasters Taiwanese Oolong [Episode 31]

    James & Denny review another tea from Teamasters, a premium and immaculate Oriental Beauty. With a wonderful silky texture and characteristic sweet, honey notes this is a very nice tea.

  • Shan Li Xi Teamasters Taiwanese High-Mountain Oolong [Episode 30]

    James & Denny review a high-mountain tea from the Shan Li Xi growing region in Taiwan. Acquired via Teamasters, this tea is characteristic of Taiwanese high-mountain oolongs low-oxidation and very fresh.

  • Teamasters, Featured Vendor

    Teamasters, Featured Vendor

    The vendor profile for Teamasters is a part of our Taiwanese Tea Vendor Series, covering a number of Taiwanese-tea specialized vendors that sell to the west.

    Based in Taiwan, a French ex-patriate Stephane Erler founded and runs Teamasters. Now one of the oldest online vendors and tea bloggers Teamasters was originally conceived as a tea blog in 2004. Stephane has been steadily consistent throughout the years in creating new content (his output now totals over 1,500 blog posts!). The Teamasters blog has been immensely helpful in my own personal tea education as well as the creation of this site! Now Stephane in addition to his day-job as a western-facing vendor is regularly invited to events around the globe to speak about tea topics and Taiwanese oolongs. (more…)

  • Hwangcha Morning Crane Korean Green Tea [Episode 29]

    James & Denny complete their two-episode series on Korean tea acquired from Morning Crane Tea. From the Hadong growing region they review a Hwangcha (Yellow Tea) from an artisan tea producer via Morning Crane tea. Rich, delicious, silky, and smooth. This tea can be purchased in the western world from Arthur at Morning Crane Tea.

  • Sejak Morning Crane (Dong Cheon) Korean Green Tea [Episode 28]

    James & Denny do another two-episode series on Korean tea acquired from Morning Crane Tea. From the Hadong growing region they review a Sejak from Dong Cheon teas via Morning Crane. This tea can be purchased in the western world from Arthur at Morning Crane Tea or Phoenix Tea House.

  • Tea from Taiwan, Featured Vendor

    Tea from Taiwan, Featured Vendor

    The vendor profile for Tea from Taiwan is a part of our Taiwanese Tea Vendor Series, covering a number of Taiwanese-tea specialized vendors that sell to the west.

    Tea from Taiwan was one of the first vendors based in Taiwan that sold to the west. Founded by Ross MacIver in the early 2000s, Tea from Taiwan launched their current website in 2005 and has continued to be a reliable and consistent source of Taiwanese oolongs to an English-speaking audience (as well as an information source!). Tea from Taiwan currently features 17 different Taiwanese teas (originally seven), with 12 of their offerings falling into high-elevation territory (>1000 meters elevation). Looking back at older versions of their web store, Ross has consistently promoted transparency in the form of harvest date and elevation for their teas (when I inquired about Tea from Taiwan’s cultivars and elevations, Ross was prompt and forthcoming in his reply). This is a wonderful thing for tea vendors to provide and has improved considerably in recent years. It’s also very commonly overlooked by newcomers to the online tea world or people simply looking for the “best deals” in the intimidating world of premium tea purchasing. (more…)

  • Lincang Lancang 2008 Sheng Pu’erh [Episode 27]

    In episode 27, James & Denny are again joined by Glen and Lamu from Crimson Lotus Tea. This is a more open-ended podcast and we talk about both the tea as well as just pu’erh tea in general, how to get started with pu’erh, storage in North America, and some of the offerings that Crimson Lotus will be offering. Lincang Lancang 2008 Raw Pu’erh.

  • Yunnan Pu’erh Special Tea Factory 2006 Shu Pu’erh [Episode 26]

    In episode 26, James & Denny have a special guest star from a new Pu’erh tea company opening up shop in the US, Crimson Lotus Tea. Today’s tea is literally a wedding cake, just far better than your traditional white sugary affair. Yunnan Pu’erh Special Tea Factory 2006 Ripe Pu’erh.

  • Origin Tea, Featured Vendor

    Origin Tea, Featured Vendor

    The vendor profile for Origin Tea is a part of our Taiwanese Tea Vendor Series, covering a number of Taiwanese-tea specialized vendors that sell to the west. Much to my dismay, Origin Tea has since closed.

    Origin Tea’s ‘About Section’ states their purpose clearly:

    At Origin Tea we have one goal: To make high quality teas available worldwide at reasonable prices..

    An easy statement to make, but a far more difficult one to backup (especially given Origin’s premium high-mountain specialty). Based in Taiwan, Origin Tea is owned and run by Tony. Origin Tea opened up shop in late 2012, using Taiwan’s 2012 Winter Harvest as their initial selection. (more…)

  • Camellia Sinensis 2001 Lahu Sheng Pu’erh [Episode 25]

    In episode 25, James & Denny continue with the very diverse selection of Camellia Sinensis. Today’s tea is a 2001 raw pu’erh from Lahu. Grown from very old trees, this is likely wet-stored, this tea is pleasantly fruity and quite mellow.