One of the more premium YQH teas. Sample acquired via Grill & Emmett.
Author: James
2000 Kaiyuan Green Stamp via Essence of Tea [Episode 134]
A really wonderful, active Malaysian stored pu’erh, from Malaysia based vendor Essence of Tea. It’s not cheap but it’s pretty darn good (also sold out).
2007 YangQing Hao Jincha via Emmett — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #57
Another very solid tea from YQH acquired via Emmett. Similar to the Qizhong this is the dark, thick, aromatic cousin of the lighter more Yiwuish YQH.
Bana Tea’s Jade Buddha Da Hong Pao [Episode 133]
A Yancha from Bana Tea. This is a fun drink from Linda Louie and a nice change of pace from all the pu’erh we’ve been quaffing!
Influence & The Psychology Behind a Few (Tea) Sales Tactics
What gets us to buy? Influence: Science & Persuasion is a book written by Robert Cialdini on the psychology of buying (or compliance). Despite being written for the every man or every women as a defense against marketing techniques, the book has ironically been adopted as an important work by marketers. Influence includes a diverse array of examples and studies, many of which we encounter very regularly in our lives. It’s a easy and highly relevant read, that is both approachable and eye-opening from an a day to day and macro point of view. In this article, I’ll be breaking down and covering how these sales tactics work specifically in the tea world. There are six key principles covered in the book.. (more…)
2006 YQH QiXiang, 2004 YQH Tuo via Emmett — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #56
Thanks to Dignitea for the samples. Two more teas from the YangQing Hao group orders. The 2006 QiXiang is a six famous mountains blend and is somewhat similar to the TsangLiu. The 2004 Tuo is an early YQH production and is very decent quality. If you’re interested in these YQH teas, contact Emmett (Cha Kung-Fu Blog)!
2015 Yunnan Sourcing Zao Qiao Di [Episode 132]
A 2015 production from Yunnan Sourcing. This is a well-balanced, very decent tea from Jinggu.
2007 YangQing Hao Yiwu QiZhong via Emmett — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #55
A tea acquired via the YangQing Hao group orders generously coordinated by Emmett of Cha & Kung Fu blog. The QiZhong is a bit different from the others and is my favorite value of the teas being currently offered.
2012 Verdant Tea’s Golden Fleece [Episode 131]
Denny and James review a tea that’s been sitting around for the last few years. Verdant Tea’s Golden Fleece.
Traveling in Taiwan, Things I Like & Don’t Like. TW Report Part 1
Big thanks to Max, Tony, and all the others who tossed in bits of advice or recommendations. Another high-recommendation but less personal thanks goes out to Marshaln whose blog and archive was and is highly valuable in navigating Taiwan in search of tea.
I recently embarked on a trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong. I’ve been to Asia a couple times, but this is my first time traveling to both of those places. Needless to say I was rather excited, both to travel and to explore teas. I went with three friends, two from high school and the last one from college. The three friends have varying degrees of tea indoctrination. One of them is moderately into tea (MS), another (DW) drinks a ripe pu’erh from Yunnan Sourcing daily, and the third’s (JF) caffeine of choice usually ends up being coffee. A fourth (ZM) showed up for a few tea spots at the end of the trip and is a fairly regular drinker with broad(ish) preferences. I hadn’t planned on writing a report but when I got back and was bombarded with.. “James how was your trip?” “You might be talking about this on TeaDB soon, but I wanted to ask…“ (more…)