This episode features three likely border teas (Bianjingcha) whose samples were generously donated by Emilio. Two are from modern Tongqing Hao, who is thought to use Vietnamese material in some of their productions in this period. The third is the Guangyungong recently featured in inbetweenisode 90.
Author: James
1998 Guangyungong via The Jade Leaf — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #90
This episode features a bit of an oddball production. Made in a pu’erh-like style, this is a soft, pleasant, clean drink.. Due to being grown outside of Yunnan this is not technically a pu’erh and is usually known as border tea (Bianjingcha).
2007 Dayi Anxiang Ripe [Episode 164]
A premium ripe pu’erh made by Dayi. Brewed especially heavy.. Thanks to shah for the sample!
2006 Mahei via TShop — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #89
Sample from TShop sent by a tea friend. TShop is a NYC based teahouse that has a wide variety of teas. This tea is a dry-stored tea from the general Yiwu area.
2008 Xiaguan Happy Tuo [Teas I Own] — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #88
Revisiting an old, inexpensive purchase from a few years back.
1960s Pu’erh from Wistaria [Episode 163]
An old tea from the Wistaria menu. Thanks to the Gong Fu Cha facebook group folks for letting me bring this home.
Yangqing Hao Profile & Interview
During my recent trip to Taiwan, I had the opportunity to visit Mr. Yang (Yangqing Hao, 楊慶號) and his family at their home base in Tainan, Taiwan. Yangqing Hao is a Taiwanese boutique producer of pu’erh tea, and is one of the earliest boutique producers to make its way to the west. Mr Yang’s teas have been generally well-received and have been covered here in a couple reports (1, 2). Having made pu’erh in Yunnan since 2004, it was a pleasure to ask Mr. Yang about a number of topics, ranging from some of his earliest productions to to the ever-changing landscape in Yunnan. Big thank you to Emmett and Sandy for coordinating, Sandy for translating and the Yang family for organizing, facilitating and hosting me! (more…)
TeaDB Q&A #1 – General Questions
A question & answer session featuring a number of questions asked in this video.
Thank you for your questions!
2005 Shuixian — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #87
We’re back with a bonus episode. This one features frequently requested guest, Meet and a 2005 Shuixian that he owns quite a lot of.