This episode Denny and I drink an old Baozhong grown in Taiwan. The tea is cherry sweet, earthy, and very clean. Thank you to Sammy for providing the tea!
Author: James
WuyiOrigin’s Fruity Rougui w/Meet [Inbetweenisode 179]
This episode, back from a long absence James drinks tea with Meet! That means it’s time for oolong! James and Meet drink an aromatic, high-quality Rougui from WuyiOrigin.
Cloud Nine Teas Little Leaf Black [Episode 284]
This episode Denny and I drink a Taiwanese black tea from Australian vendor, Cloud Nine Teas. The tea is smooth, sweet, and easy to drink. Thanks to Damien for sending the tea!
2015 White2Tea Ol Reliable Ripe Pu’erh [Inbetweenisode 178]
This episode I revisit the Ol Reliable ripe pue’rh from White2Tea. This is intended as a steady daily drinker and is priced accordingly. This is one of my very last sessions with this cake.
5.9 Rating.
Everlasting Tea’s Baozhong Oolong [Episode 283]
This episode Denny and I drink an old favorite, Taiwanese Baozhong, from the reliable Everlasting Teas. The tea is rich, green, grassy and full bodied. Thank you to Sammy for providing the tea!
Advice I’d Give to Someone Just Starting With Pu’erh
One good thing about TeaDB is it encompaseses a large chunk of Denny and my tea journey. This includes when we were new and fresh in the western tea world and while it results in some early embarrassing episodes, it also helps to document our own learning and progression. Here’s the advice I’d give to myself (beyond which specific teas to buy) if I were to rewind 6 years or to someone just starting in pu’erh now. (more…)
Moychay Pasha Hongcha [Episode 282]
This episode Denny and I drink a very interesting and unique Hongcha from a Russian vendor, Moychay. The Russian tea scene is one of the largest scenes and in many ways surpasses the English speaking tea scene. Moychay is one of the largest vendors based out there and I’ve heard some people compare them to Yunnan Sourcing. The tea is from the Pasha area in Yunnan and processed as a Hong Cha (black tea). Big thanks to Yury for sending Denny and I teas to try.
2018 Myanmar White w/Oolong Owl [Inbetweenisode 177]
This episode I’m joined by the one and only Oolong Owl to drink a white tea she picked up at the World Tea Expo in Las Vegas. This is grown in Myanmar (Burma) which neighbors Yunnan and is clearly made from good material. The tea brews for a very long time..
2018 White2Tea Arbor White [Episode 281]
This episode we drink a premium white tea released from White2Tea. The tea is made from material normally used for pu’erh. After sampling four of White2Tea’s recent compressed white teas this is my favorite of the bunch.