2017 Gaojiashan Hui Gui Fuzhuan via YS [Episode 267]

This episode, Denny and I drink a very interesting Heicha from Hunan. The tea is made by Gaojiashan factory and is a golden flower brick, Fuzhuan. The processing is done in a way that creates yellow fungi (Golden Flowers). It’s the sort of tea that sounds a lot more off-putting than it actually is. Worth trying for anyone that has yet to try a Fuzhuan. A very tasty and quite inexpensive tea.

2017 Gao Jia Shan "Hui Gui" Fu Brick Tea from Hunan



8 responses to “2017 Gaojiashan Hui Gui Fuzhuan via YS [Episode 267]”

  1. heichaholiday Avatar

    I love fu zhuan. Preferably, the yeastier more fermented stuff. Not an everyday tea for me as it doesn’t have enough bite but it still manages to work in my gaiwan or on the stove in a big pot! I’m pretty low and since there’s a sale on I’m definitely going to sample this now!

    1. James Avatar

      Right on. I also dig that stuff. Not nearly as offensive as you’d think (at least not to me).

      Cheers to the Fu!

  2. Simon Avatar

    I sampled this last year together with a few other heichas and eventually bought a brick! A good alternative to the more expensive puerh tea.

    1. James Avatar

      Yeah. Compares well per pound.

  3. Jonny山内 Avatar

    I feel Denny is show signs of being tea drunk in this episode, which I am not surprised at as these Hunan Fu Bricks always also seem to do the same to me, despite their subtle delicate honey sweet flavours they have an interesting and strong Cha Qi.

    If you are going to invest in a kilo or two of these teas might not be such a good idea to keep them too close to your expensive sheng!

    1. James Avatar

      Golden flowers for all!

  4. Theo Avatar

    Hi guys,

    Haven’t watched a TeaDB episode in many months, so hearing Denny’s special descriptions of the tea’s aroma made me smile.

    Interesting how this one is closer to an oolong than pu’er, flavor-wise. I really like YS’s fuzhuan lineup and I also think they’re well-suited for winter.

    1. James Avatar

      Thanks for following Leo. Those kg bricks are intimidating (for me). I’ve always personally teetered on the choice of buying one or not. I also estimate the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) is not too high.

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