Green Tea Guru’s Wuyi Oolong – InBetweenIsode #10 w/ Denny

A delicious Wuyi oolong with a lovely guest! My sister Abby!

Let us know if you notice anything different about this episode! 🙂


6 responses to “Green Tea Guru’s Wuyi Oolong – InBetweenIsode #10 w/ Denny”

  1. Rogo Avatar

    Hi Denny,
    I really like this format, looking at a tea from a new perspective is key for any enthusiast, sometimes we begin to think that we ‘know’ a tea. I must say… since the meditation video your videos have been very relaxed and it really washes off on the viewer, when watching your inbetweenisodes I just want to drink tea and meditate 🙂 great job, it’s working 🙂
    All the best,

  2. John Avatar

    Hi Denny and Abby
    “Comforting. Mid-afternoon with an orange.” Great description. I see a new TB feature…’Tea food pairing with Abby’.
    Denny: I like how for you it is more about the experience and less about the tea itself; however, a little more info about the tea would be good. I went to the vendor site and I am assuming this is the ‘Shui Xian’? It would appear this tea material can be manufactured in a number of different ways and thus is fairly complex. For the more cerebral among us I found the following thread on TeaChat
    All the best in 2015. Keep up the great work.

    1. John Avatar

      Hi again
      How could I have forgotten this resource…

  3. Peter Avatar

    Nice to see your sis, Denny. Please give her my thanks for participating in this in-between-isode!

    Differences from previous episodes? Here are several:

    1. You are in a different setting. Nice fireplace!
    2. You are using a plastic tea-maker.
    3. You have some smudge on the left cheek of your face.
    4. You have a guest.
    5. You have made a two-part video for one in-between-isode.

  4. Nicholas Avatar

    Hey Denny! Great stuff mate.

    What is the name of that glass tea pot you use in this episode?



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