Five more things I like & dislike.
Tea Meetups & Online Tea Meetups
(Written before Covid19) I’ve become more aware of some different meetups happening. This is very good. Chinese tea in the west is too often a solo venture.
(more…)Five more things I like & dislike.
(Written before Covid19) I’ve become more aware of some different meetups happening. This is very good. Chinese tea in the west is too often a solo venture.
(more…)This episode, Denny and I drink a relatively fresh Silver Needle tea from WuyiOrigin. Slightly atypical, but very enjoyable.
In this video, Denny and I drink a pressed white tea blend from White2Tea. The tea is still quite fresh but dynamic and quite complex.
Recently, Char (Oolong Owl) joined me for an inbetweenisode to discuss aging and aged white tea. Aged whites have become a topic of increasing interest in the west, and while Denny and I have brought a few onto the show it has not been a principal area of interest for us. Here’s a few of the big points and takeaways I had from that conversation with her. I highly recommend checking out Oolong Owl’s blog and reading up on white teas. She’s written as extensively as any English-language blogger on different aged whites. I recommend watching the original video for those interested in this topic. This is my summation and interpretation of much of the material discussed in the video.
(more…)In this episode, we drink an aged Gongmei white tea from Yunnan Sourcing. The tea is semi-aged and while it retains younger white tea characteristics it’s starting to develop other flavors. I particularly enjoy the later, stronger steeps.
In this episode, I have a conversation with Char, best known for her popular blog Oolong Owl. This is a longer video and we cover quite a range of material. We begin by talking about the the different types of white tea and their aging trajectories, where the aged white tea has been aged thus far, and finishing by discussing a few of the different school of thoughts on aging white tea and how a hobbyist might decide to do it.
This episode, Denny and I drink an aged Shoumei (an aged white tea) from new vendor Distant Teas. The tea is very clean, with clearly good base material. An interesting tea from an interesting new vendor.
This episode, Denny and I drink a semi-aged Gongmei (white tea) from White2Tea. The tea is still on the lighter, floral and fluffy end and great for this time of year.
In the first filmed episode of 2019, Denny and I drink a Thai-grown white tea from Tea-Side. The tea is robust, slightly smoky, with good longevity. It is also unique as Moonlight White is a Chinese-style tea but is grown in Northern Thailand.
This episode Denny and I drink an extremely aromatic white tea made by White2Tea. The production is a pressed Moonlight White using Yunnan material that is typically used for pu’erh.