Category: Tea Learning

  • Hobby Crossover in Western Tea Culture

    On instagram a few years ago, I was looking at a tea profile and immediately felt a sense of familiarity that dated back. After massaging my brain, I realized I knew them as an online personality from Blizzard RTS gaming that I used to play… An extraordinary random and tangential connection to something that really…

  • Storage is Wicked. Long & Short Feedback Loops. Innovation in Pu’erh Storage

    David Epstein’s book Range makes the case for generalization in a world that has become increasingly specialized. One of the ways the book categorizes areas of interest are as wicked and kind environments. Kind environments are where information and feedback is very available, patterns repeat, and situations are more constrained. Examples of mostly kind learning…

  • Aging White Teas & Aged Whites w/Char (Oolong Owl) [Inbetweenisode 211]

    In this episode, I have a conversation with Char, best known for her popular blog Oolong Owl. This is a longer video and we cover quite a range of material. We begin by talking about the the different types of white tea and their aging trajectories, where the aged white tea has been aged thus…

  • Missteps & Regrets on TeaDB

    In the five years of TeaDB, we’ve made plenty of mistakes and said countless of dumb things in our hours of airtime on TeaDB. This is a list of areas where in retrospect I feel like I would’ve done stuff differently.

  • Grams Consumed: Grams Bought. A Relatively Simple Ratio to See If You’re Buying Too Much Pu’erh

    Cakes upon cakes. Filling up fridges by the tong.. Filling up apartments by the fridge. We’ve all seen that instagram. Some may buy a pair of cakes, one for aging and one for drinking.. There’s also the stamp collector who owns 250 different cakes including the entire 2015+2016+2017 White2Tea & Crimson Lotus Tea line. The tong…

  • The Amazing Health Benefits of Pu’erh Tea [Episode 256]

    In the most anticipated TeaDB episode of all-time, James & Denny discuss The Amazing Health Benefits of Pu’erh Tea. The three health benefits are: (1) Aids digestion, (2) Weight Loss, and (3) Improves Memory. Music: Cool Blast – Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:…

  • Settling Down with Tea, a Conversation w/Garrett [Inbetweenisode 158]

    In this extended episode, James & Garrett talk about their drinking habits and how they’ve changed over the past few years. They also give theoretical advice to themselves earlier on in their tea hobbies.

  • Settling Down into Tea & Other Reflections

    The past year I had a couple goals. The first was to cut down on tea purchases and the second was to settle into more normal purchasing and consumption tea habits. These were motivated by life circumstances and a desire to be more balanced with my tea habits. I already own a lot of tea, much…

  • Tea Drinking Reflections 2017

    2017 has been a transitory year for me with a few significant life changes. Part of this involved the very painful process of packing up all my tea-related things and moving from my apartment of five years. This is the first time since my tea-obsession began that I’ve moved. It also forced me to reckon…

  • A Conversation w/Fellow Tea Blogger Oolong Owl [Inbetweenisode 149]

    In this episode, James brings on the one and only, Oolong Owl. Char (Oolong Owl) is a fellow tea blogger who writes on a huge variety of teas. We cover a wide range topics, including Char’s tea journey, tea expos +events, and positive reviews while blogging.