Category: Ripe Pu’erh

  • 2009 Yunnan Sourcing Lao Cha Tou — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #37

    A fun brick from Yunnan Sourcing that is also very tasty. Also a preview for episodes with Yunnan Sourcing in the up and coming weeks!

  • Pu’erh Buying Categories. A Few Common Approaches.

    Pu’erh Buying Categories. A Few Common Approaches.

    In 2007, it was estimated that as much as 95% of the pu’erh purchased was for storage and speculation, and not actual consumption (Zhang, Ancient Caravans). Psychologically free of tea going bad, pu’erh-heads are known to go a little purchase crazy. People buy and store pu’erh for many different reasons. Some of us buy as we go. Others store pu’erh as a hobby to see what might happen. Others simply store pu’erh because we bought too damn much of it! (more…)

  • What is Pu’erh?

    What is Pu’erh?

    This article heavily references Zhang Jinghong’s book, Ancient Caravans & Urban Chic. Do yourself a favor and read her book!

    At the height of the pu’erh craze in 2007, the Simao prefecture changed its name back to Puer. At the same time, a ceremony was arranged to welcome back the Golden Melon Tribute Tea back to its supposed birthplace in Simao. This event was not without controversy and was not well-received in the neighboring Xishuangbanna. The Golden Melon’s base material was from Yibang (located in Mengla County, Xishuangbanna) and Xishuangbanna-based people felt that their association with pu’erhs history had been compromised and hijacked. Many also complained the name change would lead to confusion, because pu’erh was primarily known and marketed as a tea. (more…)

  • Sampling Pu’erh. A Few Considerations

    Sampling Pu’erh. A Few Considerations

    What’s in the bag?? For people trying to explore pu’erh, sampling is inevitable. A sample is a good, albeit imperfect way to learn and get a feel for a tea. Pu’erh is an endless subsection of teas with various makes, source materials, storage etc. and while repetition is also very important, it’s also a good idea to sample widely to experience the breadth that pu’erh offers. Here’s a few considerations to keep in mind while sampling. (more…)

  • Zhang Jinghong’s Puer Tea:  Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic

    Zhang Jinghong’s Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic

    This is a review of Zhang Jinghong’s Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic. Please also check out TwoDog’s review. More people need to read this book. Seriously!

    What is authentic pu’erh? This question is constantly asked in Zhang Jinghong’s challenging and informative Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic. Similar to other buzzwords like artisan or specialty, authenticity is frequently used as a term to push a product (tea or otherwise). The pu’erh world is very guilty of this. It’s no secret that the pu’erh world is full of lots of bullshit and misinformation that are just there to sell tea (read an ebay description). It’s a marketplace built on flat-out lies (ummm..) and numerous softer, difficult to verify lies (i..e why are all the trees ancient and wild?). Zhang’s book attempts to do the impossible and unpack the endless maze of perspectives and opinions in the pu’erh world. (more…)

  • Aged Huali Box Tea [Episode 99]

    Big thanks to Carolyn who sent this tea in. A mystery tea that came from a box!!

  • Peripheral Teaware — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #21

    Musings on some teaware that James uses that you may or may not find useful!

  • Pu’erh Regions: Pu’er Prefecture

    Pu’erh Regions: Pu’er Prefecture

    This article frequently references and links to babelcarp. Babelcarp is a Chinese Tea Lexicon that is an essential resource for tea nerds that want to dive in further and don’t understand Chinese! This article also sources many maps from a TeaChat thread, original sources vary.

    Previously named Simao, Pu’er Prefecture shares pu’erh’s name and is one of the three principle growing prefectures for pu’erh tea. Located in Yunnan, Pu’er is sandwiched in between Xishuangbanna and Lincang and despite not being a particularly important historical growing region it is a historical hub for the tea horse road. Pu’er prefecture also borders Laos, Burma and Vietnam. Within Pu’er Prefecture, there are a few high-profile regions although the majority of the prefecture lacks the hype of the most hyped regions, especially Xishuangbanna. (more…)