In this episode, Denny and James drink an old favorite, Dongding.
Category: Low-Elevation Oolong
MyTeaGuy Oriental Beauty [Episode 251]
This episode, Denny and James review an old favorite, Oriental Beauty. Oriental Beauty is a summer-harvested, bug-bitten tea that is harvested in Taiwan. Thank you to Roy (My Tea Guy) for supplying the tea for this episode.
1981 Baozhong via Everlasting Teas [Episode 240]
This episode, Denny and James drink an old Baozhong (from Everlasting Teas) that’s been re-roasted once in 1995.
1960s Song Tea Aged Baozhong (Oolong) [Episode 237]
This episode, James and Denny drink a very old oolong from San Francisco-based vendor Song Tea.
1989 Everlasting Tea Baozhong Aged Oolong [Inbetweenisode 148]
In this episode, James drinks a very tasty aged Baozhong from a western vendor. Clean, sweet, and aged this tea was harvested in Pinglin.
Floating Leaves Three Roast Dongding [Episode 208]
Three roast Dongding from Floating Leaves. A nicely processed and roasted oolong, that’s a bit different from your standard charcoal roasted Dongding oolong.
Floating Leaves Tea’s Muzha Tieguanyin [Episode 180]
A Taiwanese, high-fired roasted Tieguanyin from local tea shop, Floating Leaves.
Shopping for Tea in Taiwan FAQ
Since my first trip to Taiwan, I’ve been frequently asked about what to do and where to go for tea in Taiwan. This is an attempt to answer some of these questions.. I should also preface this with a warning. I’m by no means an experienced sourcer and have had my share of purchasing errors and regrets, so please take this all with the proper context with appropriate reservations.. These are more or less the answers I’d typically give venturing off to the island of tea. (more…)
TeaHome’s Mid-Fired Dongding [Episode 149]
Getting back to our roots, with a mid-fired Dongding from Teahome. Sweet, aromatic, and easy to drink.
The Much Delayed Taiwan Oolongs Teas to Age Report
Better late than never, right? I announced this tea of the month about a year ago and have had samples sitting around forever. The original goal of this report was to find some decent oolongs to age for the future. The samples from Mountain Tea and Teahome, two vendors that each had a few inexpensive options for roasted oolongs. Because these were acquired a while ago, they’re mainly teas from Winter 2014. (more…)