A crisp, fresh, Alishan coming from an unlikely source in Poland.
Category: Oolong
W2T Hot & Heavy + DHP [Inbetweenisode 114]
Rejoined by Meet to visit a couple of White2Tea’s new Wuyi teas.
Floating Leaves Tea’s Muzha Tieguanyin [Episode 180]
A Taiwanese, high-fired roasted Tieguanyin from local tea shop, Floating Leaves.
Wu Zhong Hang Yuansheng [Episode 177]
A supposedly best-selling oolong from a shop in the Yongkang area of Taipei. Thanks to Gio for sending this!
Old Whitey & Hoplite Oolong — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #106
Back for another episode.. Old Whitey & Hoplite (Yancha) are featured in the September W2T Club.
Blind Spots (in the Western Market)
The west is a tiny blimp in the Chinese specialty tea market. Having had the experience of traveling and shopped for tea in Taiwan and Hong Kong it gives me some idea of how the market looks in parts of east Asia where tea culture is strong. There are some teas where the west does generally well and gives some access to. There are others where we have to pay a bit more and have limited access. And then there’s blind spots where the market where what we have access to is a pale shell of the real deal. (more…)
Teamasters Alishan [Episode 172]
This episode, Denny and James drink a fresh 2016 Alishan from Teamasters generously supplied by Ryan Ahn of the Penn State Institute.
2005 Shuixian — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #87
We’re back with a bonus episode. This one features frequently requested guest, Meet and a 2005 Shuixian that he owns quite a lot of.
30 Year Old? Wuyi [Episode 162]
An oolong gift given to Denny from James’ Taiwan trip. This is an old, mellow, easy to drink Yancha.
2015 Cliff Three Tea Tieluohan [Episode 161]
The 2015 Tieluohan from Wuyi Oolong specialist, Cliff Three Tea. This one still has a lot of roast on it but is a very nice tea. Brewed for full potency.