This episode, Denny and I drink a Liuan Heicha from Chawangshop. The tea makes an interesting contrast vs. our more standard brew of pu’erh. Thanks to Toby for sending this in! Toby’s blog:
Category: Liuan Heicha
1990s Liuan Heicha [Episode 340]
This episode, we drink an aged Heicha kindly provided by tea friend Atlas. Liuan is a type of Heicha grown in Anhui and is often consumed with part of the bamboo basket it is stored in.
The tea has a fun and interesting aged profile with depth and complexity.
1950s Sunyishun Liuan via Varat [Episode 273]
This episode we drink another old very Liuan from Varat. Thank you! This particular tea is old and unique. Similar, but also quite different from aged Liubao or aged pu’erh.
1970s Sunyishun Liuan via Varat [Episode 270]
This episode is the second part of a series on Liu’an Heicha. Complex, woody, barky, and quite powerful this is a very interesting aged tea from Varat.
2000s Sunyishun Liuan via Varat [Episode 269]
This episode starts a two episode series featuring Liuan (Heicha) tea from Varat. The tea is still pretty young and has a complex profile that resembles both pu’erh and some oolong.