Author: James

  • Three Menghai Tea Factory Teas Between 1997-2001

    Thanks to Nug, I had the opportunity to sample a few older and thereby quite expensive Menghai TF teas. I no longer sample as often as I used to, and try to be focused on very interesting teas when I do. These teas were sold to us by Taizhong based vendor Wang JF who will sell samples of some of his more expensive teas. The teas were naturally stored in Taiwan, and while I do suspect there were some differences in the storage of these teas early on, I think they all fit easily into the TW-natural storage category.

  • 2004, 2006, and 2007 Xiaguan Gold Ribbon from MX-Tea [Inbetweenisode 200]

    This episode, I drink three different years of the Xiaguan Gold Ribbon production from Taobao vendor, MX-Tea. This was originally produced by Xiaguan in 2004 as a 100 gram Tuocha and in my opinion is quite a bit better than their average tea. The teas are quite potent and were consumed over the course of three days. In the episode, I compare the teas to see how much the tea productions varied. A good tea for those that like their tea strong with potential to age more (especially the 2007).

    2007 Rating: 5.2
    2006 Rating: 5.9
    2004 Rating: 6.1

  • 2018 Crimson Lotus Tea Autumn Hekai Raw Pu’erh [Episode 316]

    This episode, Denny and I brew a powerful young sheng by local Seattle friends, Crimson Lotus Tea. The tea is quite punchy, potent, and strong, you’ll be able to tell by just watching the video. Thank you to Lamu & Glen for the tea!

  • A Conversation w/Glen on Aging Tea in Seattle & Kunming, Blending & Tea Culture [Inbetweenisode 199]

    In this episode, Glen and I have a casual conversation covering a wide arrange of tea and pu’erh centric topics. We start by talking about how tea is aging in Seattle (where we both live) and how that compares with Kunming, a place known for its dry storage. We then talk about tea culture and some of the regional preferences in the west as well as Yunnan. Finally we conclude by discussing some new and upcoming products.

    I always enjoy talking with Glen and these are often some of our most popular episodes. Thank you to Glen for appearing!

  • Rummy Ripe Pu’erh via LiquidProust [Episode 315]

    This episode, Denny and I drink a real oddball, a rummy ripe pu’erh. This sample has been lingering around Seattle for a while before Denny decided to bring it onto the show. Thank you to Liquid Proust for providing this tea and sorry it took so long!

  • The Struggle of Making Content Interesting & A Few Unhelpful Phrases

    As someone that has done a fair amount of content on tea, I have a lot of mixed thoughts on the way information is passed. With tea reviews or discussing a specific tea I have struggled with the question: how to talk about an individual tea or tea in general in an interesting or useful way.. Whether you like or dislike TeaDB episodes largely depends on whether you enjoy watching two particular people drink and banter. This is fine enough and it is certainly fun for Denny & I to create, but I’ll also agree with the sentiment that it’s not necessarily the most substantive way to review a tea in depth. There’s some signal but there’s also a lot of noise. Writing about a specific tea also isn’t easy and I think is actually very difficult to execute in a way that is actually consistently interesting or useful for people. Most people just want to know if you liked or didn’t like a specific tea. Making something that piques interest beyond that is a challenge and even if you don’t like them a place like Mei Leaf has succeeded in creating content that really does engage their viewers. You also have to consider that the majority of people have not had the tea or are even unfamiliar with the basic taste profile (i.e. Denny & I describing a traditionally stored pu’erh, when the audience has never had one).. Here are some phrases I dislike and hear frequently enough that I find them unhelpful and sometimes even counter-productive when given to beginners as advice. (more…)

  • 2006 Troublemaker Fangcha w/Crimson Lotus Tea Raw Pu’erh [Inbetweenisode 198]

    This episode, I’m joined by special guest Glen of Crimson Lotus Tea! This is the first of two episodes, and we drink a new semi-aged production. The tea is clearly dry-stored, but any harshness in the tea is mellowed to a very drinkable state. The profile is sweet, smoky, and pretty tasty.

  • Wang Family Tea Alishan High-Mountain Oolong [Episode 314]

    This episode, Denny and I return to an old favorite, a high-mountain Alishan. It’s been a while since we’ve tasted a fresh high-mountain tea making this a really pleasant treat.

    This Alishan was kindly provided by Miguel of Wang Family Tea. Thanks Miguel!

  • 2011-2018 Pu’erh Prices [Inbetweenisode 197]

    As we approach summer 2019, another round of young raw pu’erh products are coming up. In the past half a year, I’ve written a couple posts on the topic of pu’erh prices and trends. These posts have been centered around the price of pu’erh produced and sold by western vendors when they’re initially pressed.

    This is a short video continuing that discussion. For anyone that is interested in young pu’erh and their price dynamics, I think you will enjoy this episode.

    Major Takeaways: (1) Prices have gone up a lot! (2) vendor prices have increased more in the western world between 2011-2014 than 2014-2018. (3) 2017 & 2018 were the highest prices ever.

  • ICYMI Tea Storage & Humidors on The Tea Fix

    ICYMI, last summer I had a guest appearance on the Tea Fix where Geoff, Leona and I talked about tea storage in the west.