2015 YS Huirun Ripe Pu’erh [Inbetweenisode 187]

This episode, I drink a ripe pu’erh from Scott’s Huirun series. it’s a tea I’ve brought onto the show before, but now I’ve gotten through nearly an entire cake of it! This tea is textured, elegant, and well-balanced. A quality ripe pu’erh.

6.4 Rating.


4 responses to “2015 YS Huirun Ripe Pu’erh [Inbetweenisode 187]”

  1. Karl Avatar


    A short but sweet video! I am beginning to think that you are more of a Shou “head” than you let on. The velocity test doesn’t lie. ?. Really though, you should do a deep dive on your favorite shous and their ratings . Maybe a comparison test of Menghai’s V93, 7572, YS’s Hui Run, “Year of” Series, White2Tea’s Old Reliable, Brown Sugar, Xiguan’s Xia Fa or others from the makers of your choice. Good luck in the new year. I look forward to seeing where you and Denny go.


    1. James Avatar

      Thanks Karl.

      Oddly enough, I’m a bit of a stamp person when it comes to shou. There’s very few I’ve decided to buy more than a cake or two of. Finish one off and onto the next.

      I’m slowly compiling the ratings of shu.. Maybe will release something later this year.


  2. Simeon Avatar

    James ,
    If you are starting to run low on 2015 hui run , I thouroughly recommend the 2017 . I have all of the hui run series and the 2017 really stands out as something special to me . Complex and thick with plenty of dark chocolate and recently camphor – it has changed quite a lot over the last 12 months or so . Definitely worth a sample .
    You have reminded me , I must dig out the 2015 again to see how it’s coming on .
    All the best !

    1. James Avatar

      Thanks Simeon. I have yet to try the 2017 or 2018, will need to do them on my next order. Have always been a fan of this line.


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