2007 Bada [Episode 173]
This episode, Denny and James drink a somewhat humidly stored tea from Bada sent to us by Shah. Thanks! While this has matured, it still packs a considerable punch.
W2T August Club Mengsong — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #101
This month, Meet returns for the August White2Tea club with a tea ball and mini-cake from the Mengsong area.
1990s HK-Stored Ripe [Episode 171]
HK-Stored ripe acquired from James’ trip to Taiwan. This is thick, oily, and extremely warm + comfortable.
1990s Bazhong — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #100
Finishing off the last session of a cake. This is a fairly heavily stored tea acquired from the now defunct Origin Tea.
Brewing Darker/Older Teas Feat. 1990s Duoteli Liubao (FP) — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #99
This episode, James talks about how he’s been brewing some older and more mellow teas. Tea featured is a run of the mill 1990s Liubao from Fine Pu’er.
Pu’erh Nerdy Q&A — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #97
Answering a few more of the pu’erh questions we didn’t get to in our Q&A episode.
2016 White2Tea Sheng & Red Mengsongs — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #96
This episode, James and Meet review a pair of teas processed as a red tea and sheng from the same material. Teas from the White2Tea club.
2006 Yangqing Hao Shenpin Chawang [Episode 167]
This episode is the 2006 Yangqing Hao Shenpin Chawang, one of their fancy productions from 2006. Very fun tea to drink! Thanks to Peter for the sample.
2006 WIstaria Longpa (Youle) [Teas I Own] — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #95
A Longpa tea sold at Wistaria. This semi-aged pu’erh is a bit younger and cheaper than their 2003 productions.
2016 White2Tea Fade — TeaDB James InBetweenIsode Episode #94
Getting caught up with the tea club with #moremeet. This episode is a tea fairly foreign to the wuyi-chugging Meet, some young huangpian.