A well-regarded, famous (and expensive) Dayi from 2005, the Dayi Mengsong Peacock. Stored in Guangdong, this is an example of why Dayi is so well-regarded in the pu’erh community.
Thanks to Grill for letting me try!
A well-regarded, famous (and expensive) Dayi from 2005, the Dayi Mengsong Peacock. Stored in Guangdong, this is an example of why Dayi is so well-regarded in the pu’erh community.
Thanks to Grill for letting me try!
Another oddity. This one is provided by local company Smacha, their Maofeng. Similar to the Darjeeling this uses largely improvised brewing parameters.
Another loot from Hong Kong and one I wish I picked up more of. This tea is traditionally stored Yiwu Spring Buds.
Getting back to our roots, with a mid-fired Dongding from Teahome. Sweet, aromatic, and easy to drink.
Better late than never, right? I announced this tea of the month about a year ago and have had samples sitting around forever. The original goal of this report was to find some decent oolongs to age for the future. The samples from Mountain Tea and Teahome, two vendors that each had a few inexpensive options for roasted oolongs. Because these were acquired a while ago, they’re mainly teas from Winter 2014. (more…)
One of the very few young teas that I drink regularly. This is from the classic vendor, Yunnan Sourcing. This is from the Jinggu region, a place where Scott has begun to place a number of teas. 2014 Autumn Daqing Gushu.
In episode 148, Denny and James compare the same base material stored in loose maocha form (California) vs. the caked China-Stored version. Very interesting comparison and big thanks to Bana Tea for providing the materia (the 2009 Sanhehao)l
Another oolong!? This one is the Legend of Dongding, a very reasonably priced, decent tea from a very underrated vendor.
A rare appearance by a Darjeeling on the show. Watch Denny improvise some parameters together.
Santa Claus didn’t come this year? No problem.. Easter’s early this year.. And while it’s not traditionally much of a gift giving holiday, who’s not above spiking the kid’s easter egg hunt with a few adult treats. I’m not remotely suggesting that you should skip buying your kids candy (it’s unhealthy anyways) and replace the original tong bamboo wrapping of your YQH tong with a giant tong-shapped easter egg… (more…)