Yunnan Graceful Purple “Zi Juan” (2014) – InBetweenIsode #5 with Denny

Sit and enjoy this purple varietal Yunnan green tea on this week’s InBetweenIsode with Denny!

Let me know your thoughts 🙂



4 responses to “Yunnan Graceful Purple “Zi Juan” (2014) – InBetweenIsode #5 with Denny”

  1. Peter Avatar

    Always interesting to see what type of hat Denny will be wearing for these InBetweenisodes! Good to see a review that wasn’t totally positive. After all, you guys can’t really like *all* of the teas you taste, right?

  2. What-Cha Avatar

    Thanks for the review, echoing Peter’s thoughts that it is good to see a review which isn’t strictly positive, even if it is one of the teas I sell!

    Zi Juan is the only tea I sell which is sourced from Hunan Xiangfeng who are one of the largest tea companies in China. I had a similar experience to Denny with the rest of their teas which I tried – an incredible aroma and appearance but lacking in taste. The uniqueness and novelty of Zi Juan is what brought me round to stocking it.

    Just to confirm the Zi Juan is from 2014.

    1. Peter Avatar

      Great comments, What-Cha! I appreciate your honesty (so much so that I have signed up for your newsletter, and am taking a good look at what you have to offer.)

      1. What-Cha Avatar

        Thanks Peter, I’ve mainly focussed on offering the best tea from regions which usually get overlooked. I started What-Cha earlier this year so I’m still in the process of regularly adding new teas and regions.

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