Category: High-Mountain Oolong

  • Origin Tea, Featured Vendor

    Origin Tea, Featured Vendor

    The vendor profile for Origin Tea is a part of our Taiwanese Tea Vendor Series, covering a number of Taiwanese-tea specialized vendors that sell to the west. Much to my dismay, Origin Tea has since closed. Origin Tea’s ‘About Section’ states their purpose clearly: At Origin Tea we have one goal: To make high quality…

  • Camellia Sinensis 1999 Alishan Taiwanese Oolong [Episode 23]

    James & Denny review a charcoal roasted Alishan from 1999. Sold by Montreal-based tea company Camellia Sinensis, this is an excellent tea with a ton of longevity. Watch as the leaves slowly unfurl to reveal wonderfully complex coffee and fruity flavors. A nice change of pace from the typical green oolong that represents most of…

  • The Royal Court, Uber-Premium Taiwanese Teas Feat. Zhu Lu, Long Feng Xia, Fu Shou Shan, Da Yu Ling 105k

    The Royal Court, Uber-Premium Taiwanese Teas Feat. Zhu Lu, Long Feng Xia, Fu Shou Shan, Da Yu Ling 105k

    You are now a seasoned veteran of Taiwanese teas. It has been hard work and you’ve spent alot of time and money, but it’s been worth it. You’ve tasted and mastered the whole lineup… Dong Ding, Baozhong, Oriental Beauty, uber-fresh straight from Taiwan high-mountain teas…Alishan, Lishan, Shan Li Xi, Da Yu Ling. What’s next!? Like…

  • Hehuanshan Taiwanese High-Mountain Oolong [Episode 19]

    James & Denny complete a short mini-series on a couple high-mountain teas from Floating Leaves Spring 2013 selection with an offbeat indie high-mountain selection Hehuanshan. Elevation-wise the tea was harvested well-above the high-mountain cutoff at 2,000 meters. For complimentary reading on Taiwanese Oolongs check out the Taiwanese Oolong Compendium, the Price of High-Mountain tea, and…

  • Alishan Taiwanese High-Mountain Oolong [Episode 18]

    James & Denny start a short mini-series on a couple high-mountain teas from Floating Leaves Spring 2013 selection. This episode covers a classic favorite, the Alishan high-mountain oolong. For complimentary reading on Taiwanese Oolongs check out the Taiwanese Oolong Compendium, the Price of High-Mountain tea, and the Taiwanese Tea Vendor Guide.

  • The Price of High-Mountain Tea

    The Price of High-Mountain Tea

    Buying tea and shopping for deals can be confusing. The landscape of vendors is intimidating and oftentimes a simple purchase at the cheapest price can be a mistake. Complicating matters, there are no consistent quantity standards and varying shipping policies only add to the already-considerable confusion. This article will attempt to illuminate many of these…